Why is this happening? I seem to be dizzy a lot.

I am 7.5 months post op LAP RNY -108lbs and for the past 4-5 months I get dizzy when I stand up. About 3 months ago I actually fainted while I was having one of my dizzy spells. After fainting I made an appt. with my PCP she did bloodwork and an MRI and found nothing. My surgeons office doesn't know what's wrong with me, but state that it could be that my body is going through so many changes. I drink itleast 60 ounces of water a day. I usually get the required protein in a day. This is however starting to worry me. It seemed to go away for a while, actually it went away when I got off track from eating healthy. Now I get dizzy at work too. This only happens when I stand up though. Any comments would be appreciated. Thanks    — Kristina P. (posted on November 29, 2001)

November 29, 2001
Kristina, Just a thought and one that your Dr has probably considered. It sound like you have hypotension. If you were on BP meds prior to your weight loss did they get discontinued? If not your Dr might want to stop them to see if they are the culprit. Good luck!
   — [Anonymous]

November 29, 2001
I agree with the first poster!! Im 7 weeks out,and I, too, have been feeling very dizzy. I am on high blood pressure meds. WhenI told my surgeon about this problem, he referred me back to my internist for an evaluation. Come to find out my BP was getting way too low. It gave me the dizziness and very low energy. So, he reduced my meds. WooHoo! Now Im down to one med for high blood pressure a day, plus one more for my diabetes, which has also been going great. Soon, I will be off all meds! : ) Good luck!
   — Kerry P.

November 29, 2001
I agree with the other posters, have your doctor check it out. However, if this does not answer the problem, I have another idea. I too was having a lot of problems with being dizzy and losing my balance easily. I met a chiropractor who talked to our support group meeting, and he said that our bodies have to have a chance to catch up and equilibrize (sp?) from the fast weight loss. Your center of gravity is changing and your inner ear needs to readjust. He has given me some balance exercises to work on, and it seems to have improved the situation. I primarily got dizzy when standing, but also just from turning from one side to the other in bed. Now it seems to be mostly under control, unless I go without eating for too long. If your doctor can't find a solution, see if you can talk to a chiropractor who understands the situation. Best of luck.
   — Tracy L.

November 29, 2001
Maybe your blood sugar is dropping too low. Try eating smaller meals more often, or having a small snack every couple of hours. If it goes away if you drink some juice or eat something, it could be hypoglycemia.
   — mom2jtx3

November 29, 2001
It sounds like you have orthostatic hypotension (your systolic bloodpressure drops when you stand up).
   — [Anonymous]

November 29, 2001
Funny you should mention this...I am 3 weeks post-op and had my first dizzy spell last night. I felt as if the entire room was turning and I kept losing my balance. I was going to post to the site and then saw your question. I thought maybe it was because I hadn't started my vitamins yet. I do have low blood pressure to begin maybe that's it.
   — Dianne K.

November 29, 2001
It happens to me quite a lot too. I was told that when I get up quick that the blood pressure drops. I try to be careful and remember to slow it down. ;) I also have problems with low potassium and I think that also may play a part in it. Someone else mentioned blood sugar. But if you've had blood tests then probally things like potassium, iron levels, sugar and all that stuff was probally ok. So I would suspect it might be a drop in blood pressure.
   — Danmark

November 30, 2001
HI, I too, just went to the doctor 2 weeks ago, for being dizzy, especially when I stand up. Anyway, the doctor, took my blood pressure about 5 times, laying, standing, laying then standing, sitting, every time, my blood pressure would be very low. He really gave me no reasons and looked puzzled himself. What are doctors for, I somtimes wonder. He gave me some meds for dizziness, but I didnt get them filled because, heck I dont know why, just didnt feel like taking more meds I guess. I'm HOPING it's due to my weight loss and will eventually stop. Email me and let me know if you figure out anything. Thanks
   — Christy J.

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