Lost the feeling in my left thigh.

It has been about a month since surgery and I still can't seem to get any type of feeling on the side of my left thigh. I had told the doctor this when I came out of surgery and he told me that it probably has fallen asleep. Has anyone else experienced this? I can stick a needle in it and can't feel a thing!    — Naomi K. (posted on October 16, 2001)

October 16, 2001
That is so strange! I too have had the same thing, only in my right thigh instead of my left. It's kind of on the outside and it only happens when I lie on my back. Sometimes, it get really tingly too (like it's going to sleep). You're the first person I've heard that has the same problem. I'm sorry I don't have an answer but I think it may be significant that we both have the same problem. I've even been going to a chiropractor but it hasn't helped at all.
   — C. G.

October 16, 2001
Me again. You probably already assumed this, but I didn't have any problem before the surgery. My primary suggested that "something must have been snipped that shouldn't have been". Great!
   — C. G.

October 16, 2001
I hd the same problem for about 6 months post op. I figured it out to be the heparine shot that I was given to prevent blood clots. They hit a nerve, and did some damage to it. Its now much better, only slightly "tingly" now when I hit it just right. Did you get any injections to that area?
   — Tam P.

October 16, 2001
I had the same problem right after my RNY surgery over a year ago. It lasted about 2 or 3 months and then totally disappeared leaving me with normal feeling in my right thigh. I also posted a question about it. A few others said they had the same thing happen. Someone thought it might be from the straps on the O.R.table being too tight or just the position we are in during the surgery on the hard, metal table, or the medications given. I don't know, but the numbness went away and has not returned.
   — Sag

October 16, 2001
This sounds like a condition that I have which has nothing to do with the surgery. It's called something like myesthenia paresthtica. It's a harmless condition which causes numbness and tingling in the thighs. It's not uncommon in obese persons. It was one of the conditions my physician listed as a reason for me to have my laparoscopic RNY. The only "cure" is to lose weight, so I'm on the right track. I've lost 70 pounds since my surgery 10.5 weeks ago. I hope you find relief soon.
   — Debbie C.

October 17, 2001
It wasn't my was half of my left hand. After surgery the pinky, ring finger and part of my left hand were numb. I could move the hand just fine, I just couldn't feel anything in those areas. I told my surgeon who said give it time, it will get better. A few weeks after my rny, I called my PCP who advised me to make an appointemt if the didn't improve in "a few weeks". I think it took about 3 months before I had all the feeling back in my hand. I'd never heard of this happening to anyone else. But, my docs (who I trust...) weren't overly concerned; so, I wasn't worried.
   — [Anonymous]

October 17, 2001
Hi Naomi, I am 9 days postop and am experiencing the same numbness in my left thigh. My first night home, I awoke with a twinge in my left hip - something similar to what I have experienced before with my back. The pain quickly subsided, leaving the numbness. The closest I can figure is that my sacroilliac needs adjustment and doesn't like me sleeping on my back.
   — Esther F.

October 17, 2001
This has happend to me also. I asked my doctor about this and he said it should go away in a few months. He also said that it could be from the position they had me laying on the operating table. Im glad to find out im not the only one with this problem.
   — sandra S.

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