I am 3 days post-op and have been having a terrible time sleeping. I have been

getting up and down from the couch(it sits somewhat low. Earlier today I was getting up from the couch and slipped while getting up causing me slip to my knees from a sitting position Thank God I was ok but now I accidentally slipped back down as I was getting up and jolted a little. I have noticed a feeling of release under my left breast, like it doesn't feel so tight now. Do you think I possible strethced or pulled something out? (At this point I'm staying away from the couch.) Thank you in advance and God BLess. :)    — Myrna E. (posted on September 21, 2003)

September 21, 2003
It was almost a week after surgery before I was able to sleep. In the hospital I paced the halls all day and night. My Dr. prescribed a relaxer that helped only a little. After two hours I would wake up. Some days I never slept. At my one week folow up my Dr. said that my problem was possibly due to all the combo of meds given in the hospital. Finally after about a week I began to sleep a little and at two weeks I was sleeping regularly.
   — wazafatie

September 21, 2003
Thanks so much Beth....this describes exactly what I've been doing. It's helpful to know that someone has been there and done that. :) Now....if anybody might know about this pouch...I actually feel fine, considering day 4 post op, but I was just concerned about the relaxing feeling that I felt after the last jolt. Wasn't that hard but enough to cause some concern. Thanks for your input :) Myrna
   — Myrna E.

September 21, 2003
Hello. The first week I could not sleep either. I would take my pain medication before I went to bed and then I could sleep about 4 hours. After about a week I could sleep more. Now I am 2 1/2 weeks post-op and sleeping 8-10 hours a night. So don't worry about it just rest as much as you can. If you need to take naps. I'm not sure about stretching or pulling something. I would just call the doctor's office and let them know and see what they say.
   — AmyWollet

September 21, 2003
You too? When i came home, it was awful!! I couldn't sleep at all. I thought I had my days and nights confused. It felt like I was so tired, then I crawled into bed and my eyes literally popped open and I couldn't sleep. The pain med allowed me sleep for a short term...but I don't like taking meds. I am almost three weeks post op now and sleep like a baby!! I am so grateful!! Wish you well....
   — Dee G.

September 21, 2003
Came here to post a reply but to my delight found others having the same problems, thanks everyone. Yes, I too am having trouble sleeping, can't find a comfortable place to sleep. Everything is too low, too soft, too hard, etc. & I am a side sleeper but on my left side & since I had LAP RNY 12 days ago I can't sleep on my left side at all so have been forced to sleep on right side or back (both of which only offer me 4 hours sleep max no matter which I choose) & that is only w/pain medicine which is also gone now. Am taking liquid Tylenol for pain once a day but that is all. Looking forward to this little problem getting better & sleeping normally again soon. As far as the fall, I would check w/my doctor if I was you, should be safe than sorry is my motto.
   — joyetta1

September 22, 2003
Hi Myrna, I was just reading your post. I just wanted to say that if you are not in any pain, I would think you are fine. I did something similar at about a week out. I was running from one room the other to answer the phone and the bottom of my shoes were slipper and I actually jolted myself trying to keep from falling. It hurt initally (more like took the wind out of me), but after about 15 min I was fine. Just because you don't feel as "tight" as you did at first doesn't mean you tore anything. I would think that maybe you just stretched a tight muscle that you didn't know was contrated or something. But mainly I would just focus on the fact that you are not in pain. Just take it easy and try not to do anything to repeat the injury (I know it is easy to do). Also just wanted to address the sleep issue. I Felt so sleep deprived for the first 2 weeks. For some reason I was able to cat nap durring the day really well, but nights really were hard for me. I hated sleeping on my back! Then all of the sudden at about two weeks I woke up and was feeling like 150% better. That night for the first time I was able to sleep on my side without pulling. The next night I was able to move to my stomach. I have had great nights of sleep ever since. So give it about another week. My first clue was it didn't kill me anymore to sneeze! :) By the way I am now 4 weeks out and down 33 pounds! Tammy -Glendale, AZ
   — Tammy O.

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