Why am I crying so much?

I'm 2 weeks post-op and it seems like all I do is cry. I was let go by my job by letter 3 days post-op and I know that probably has something to do with it, but I seem to cry at the drop of a hat. I cry everyday at least 2-3 times a day and I want to know if anyone else out there has had any emotional imbalance since their surgery. I would really appreciate it.    — Kathleen S. (posted on July 7, 2002)

July 7, 2002
I've been depressed since childhood and that has gotten much, much worse. Sometimes I think I can't cope and I have some really self-destructive thoughts that are only getting worse. I'm very happy with my WLS, so it is'nt that. Some areas of my life are really improving, except my depression. Perhaps whatever WLS does to us is effecting our depression. To be honest, I'm getting pretty scared. Therapy is'nt helping ether. Therapy is a joke anyway. Hope we both can get back on track and well.
   — Danmark

July 7, 2002
I am very sorry that you lost your job. you need to see a psychiatrist to help you through this difficult time. you are having crisis with the lost of job and financial independant then you are coping with the changes of your body which is not just physically but physiologically and mentally, especially if you used food as comfort. It is a lost and we do grief. if your crying goes beyond 2-3 weeks please seek help. Maybe an antidepression medication temporarily will help you. take care. there is always light at the end of the dark tunnel.
   — mimie V.

July 7, 2002
Hi Kathleen, I too am sorry about your job. But I can also tell you the depression you feel is normal with the surgery too. I was told to watch for it by my Doc. I have been taking Prozac for about 8 years now and it didn't help much during my post-op depression. BUT the good news is it only lasts a few days. I don't happen to agreet hat you need professional help, that of course is a decision only you can make. If you can make your finances last till you are fully recovered, take this time to relax and enjoy the time off. Also check out if you can get unemployment insuraunce. You just may qualify. I wish you all the best, hang in there my friend. Please feel free to e mail me if you need someone to "talk" to. God Bless
   — Gina D.

July 7, 2002
Hi...I think with this surgery you are basically "in hell" for at least the first 6-7 weeks. I've had depression since childhood and my Zoloft DID NOT touch the depression that comes after surgery/anesthesia. Week 3 was the worst for me. This is normal after having major surgery. Things are a bit more even now at 9 weeks depression seems to have returned to baseline. I think this is worth looking into at least with your primary care, if you haven't mentioned it already. And as far as the job sounds like you are definitely eligible for unemployment benefits if you were let go without warning. And apply for them ASAP as they are not retroactive to the date you were let go. In fact most states have a week waiting period before they'll give you benefits...that's a week from the day you apply for them. Hang in there! It DOES get better. Hugs, Joy
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 7, 2002
Kathleen, you have had two life changing experiences in the past few weeks. It is NORMAL to feel this depression. First, your hormones are all out of whack from the surgery and the anesthesia, so its not at all unusual to be crying like this-add to that the loss of your job, and you have ample reason for a good cry. But it will pass and soon. Take heart, a new and wonderful you will emerge soon. Give yourself the time to heal, learn new eating habits and get your health back. then go out, looking much better I might add, and get yourself a great new job. And use us here on the Board for any support you need. It does get better!
   — Cindy R.

July 7, 2002
In my opinion, more emphasis should be put on the depression that follows WLS. If we knew beforehand it was something to expect, we would be better able to handle it as a temporary thing. Mine lasted a few weeks. When my energy level returned to normal and I adjusted to the food issues, I was fine. I have never been to a therapist but I have heard to not settle for one that isn't doing you any good. Keep changing until you find one that truly understands you and can help. Be patient with yourself most of all. It will pass in time.
   — grammie5

July 9, 2002
Lets NOT forget for a minute that we used food for more than nourishment. It was a friend, a crutch, a drug. We no longer have that and it will take a while to adjust...YOU hang in there...but do mention it to your doc... :)) XO
   — Jeanne C.

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