Has any one got pregnant before sccucessful completion of WL

I am 5 months pos op and 1 month pregnant. Has any one had this experence . will i continue to lose weight while pregnant? after i have the baby will my time to lose weight have passed? Will i even be able to cary to term. Any info plese help.    — [Anonymous] (posted on August 1, 2001)

August 1, 2001
you may want to check this page : this girl was not so close to her surgery when she find that she was pregnant, in fack she was 1 y out (still too soon but nature sometimes tricks us !) Her page is fullfill with great information i realy enjoy reading about her story and her pregnancy and browsing into the many tips she gave. i hope you will enjoy this page and good luck with the upcoming baby !
   — carou1313

August 1, 2001
I had to laugh at the title of this question...boy, if I got pregnant before the completion of the Weight Loss Surgery, someone in that operating room is gonna hear from Family Court! What a hoot!
   — merri B.

August 2, 2001
Check out this group: There are 365 members there and some of them have gotten pregnant very quickly after their WLS. Also check out if you want support breastfeeding your new baby after WLS. Good luck and enjoy your pregnancy!
   — Julia M.

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