What kind of surgery can I say I had?

Aside from a few close friends & family, I don't intend to tell anyone I've had wls. The problem is, I've already had my gallbladder, appendix, uterus & ovaries out, so there's not much left I can say I'm being operated on for! Any suggestions?    — scottiemaam O. (posted on July 6, 2001)

July 6, 2001
maybe you could tell them that its a surgery to correct some adeshesion who causes malfunction in your internal organs... this is a possibility when you have had so much surgery... just an idea...
   — carou1313

July 6, 2001
My surgeon's nurse put "Gastric Restriction" on my paper work as my diagnosis for my office. I had to have some papers filled out for my STD and to get approval for my time off of work. I had explained to my surgeons nurse that I wanted my surgery to be personel.
   — psstanz

July 6, 2001
I plan on telling people I had an intestineal blockage or some thing like that. That will also explaine why your losing weight, some of the intestines had to be bypassed. Since I am pre-op i am not 100% sure what I will say, but I think thats what I will say. Good Luck
   — [Anonymous]

July 6, 2001
Hi... I gave this one a lot of thought, and I finally decided to say that I'm having a stomach ulcer repaired.I also told my co-workers, via inter-office email, that I'm rather squeamish about discussing the gory details in "public," so few have even asked me about it... they've just offered support. That's exactly what I wanted! An ulcer will explain the soft foods, small amounts, etc. I urge you to NOT tell people the truth until you are ABSOLUTELY sure that you're willing to hear stuff like "easy way out," "people die from that," etc, etc, no to mention other negative things. Once you tell anyone, you can never un-tell them, so be sure before you tell. And THEY will tell even more people, because this is pretty juicy gossip! Pretty soon strangers will be commenting to you on your decision because they heard all about it from so-and-so. And you know how garbled the story gets in the re-telling!! Sorry to sound paranoid, but I have seen stuff like this happen a MILLION times. I'm having my surgery in 2 weeks.
   — Veronica D.

August 7, 2001
You're telling everyone who matters -- Anyone else is just being nosy. Tell them, "It's personal, and I choose not to discuss it."
   — MaryM.

August 17, 2001
I gave this a lot of thought today myself and I have VERY mixed feelings about needing to *lie* to people about a procedure we beleive so very much in. BUT...there IS a LOT of ignorance and prejucide out there too. I have told almost everyone about this...but my momther in law is a different story. Apparently my husband IS "afraid " of her (she is wayyyyyyyyyy critical) and already told her that I am going in for a gallbladder removal. I dont know how much water this can hold, b/c I will be in the hosp at least 4 days. (how long of a stay is used for a gallbladder operation? anyone know? ) I am not ashamed of this operation. I just wish everyone could share my joy about it. <sigh> I guess unless a person knows the pain of MO, they wouldnt know the relief of being freed from it.
   — Lisa G.

August 17, 2001
I think it is difficult to discuss these matters with people that intimidate us, and it is not everyones business. I often read that people respond with comments about taking the easy way out-- I don't consider a major surgery easy especially when we risk all the complications . It is a shame there is not a surgery people could have to halt criticism and unacceptance. I was afraid to tell my mother , but she was very supportive. Rosemary
   — Rosemary P.

August 17, 2001
It's really no one's business. The truth is that you are having abdominal surgery, period, end of discussion. Anyone other than those friends and family has no Need To Know what for. It's surgery your doctor recommended for your health.
   — [Anonymous]

October 27, 2001
I told everyone that I had a duodenal(intestinal)ulcer, this means that a section of your intestine is obstructed and the only way to solve it is by surgery to remove the blocked portion. This explains why my diet has changed and why I am losing weight. I know all about family and friends who would be quite critical of having surgery just to lose weight even when your health is affected. It's nobody else's business and we certainly don't need people to question our decisions. Good Luck!
   — [Anonymous]

July 6, 2002
You can say a number of things. gallbladder, ulcers, but the best I think is reflux surgery for a hiatel hernia.
   — jessica C.

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