What medications can be taken after surgery for osteoarthritis & fibromyalgia?

I'm waiting for insurance approval now, but both the BTC surgeon & my rheumatologist have told me no more NSAIDS for my osteoarthritis. Any of you post-op arthritis sufferers out there have any ideas? Tylenol just doesn't seem to help me.    — scottiemaam O. (posted on June 27, 2001)

June 27, 2001
The medications you can take are . . Vioxx, Celebrex, and I'm pretty sure you can take Arthrotec as that has the med for arthritis as well as for the stomach
   — [Anonymous]

June 27, 2001
I had a diagnosis of both osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia for approximately 5 years before my RNY 15 months ago. I had been on large doses of various NSAIDS during that time with only moderate relief. My surgeon only prescribes Arthrotec for his patients who need anti-inflammatory therapy, because it contains Cytotec, a drug that protects the stomach lining. This drug worked really well for me post-op. Although all patients may not experience the same results, I can tell you that within 3 months of my RNY, I was off all previous medications including the Arthrotec. I am now 15 months post-op and pain-free for the first time in many years. I wish you the same wonderful experience....good luck!
   — Diana T.

June 29, 2001
I take Vioxx for my arthritis and fibromyalgia and have not had any problems.
   — georgiacarol

January 24, 2004
I know this is an old question, but I know I was still looking for fibromyalgia info, so here's my input-- I've been allergic to NSAIDS my entire life (asthma problem), so I've always had to take alternate meds for my fibro and arthritis. The ones that have worked best for me are Ultram, Ultracet, Darvocet, and Vicodin. They can make you a little loopier than the NSAIDS do, but they work just as well for pain. :)
   — Stephanie M.

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