I have my consultation today and i want to know some questions that I should ask the

   — Tasha B. (posted on September 27, 2000)

September 27, 2000
Well I do not know if you had it the 26th or the 27th but my doctor gave so much info I did not have lots of questions. Here are some.... 1. How long does hee recommend being out of work. 2. Will I need a protein supplement? 3. Is this a distal or proximal surgery, How many feet or cm. of intestine does he bypass. 4. Will I wear a binder/ for how long? 5. Aftercare, what does he offer, what is available? Dietary, etc. 6. When can you exercise/ take a bath. 7. Will you have a G-tube? Even if you have already had your consult these can still be asked. Good luck..Trina
   — Courtrina Amur W.

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