Anyone losing weight, but never pleased.

I think that I may have a body image problem. I have lost 75lbs so far. My ultimate weight loss goal is 100lbs. Every time I reach a weight where I was sure that I would be very happy with the way my body looked, I am not. I am always saying "just another 10 or 20 pounds and I should be happy." I am never as happy as I thought that I would be. I am now thinner than I ever have been in my life. I am 5'8" and weigh 175lbs. I continue to lose weight at a good pace. When I look in the mirror all I can seam to focus on is how my body is still not as thin as I want it to be. Whats wrong with me? Has anyone else had this same kind of problem? Will it ever go away? I am willing to take all suggestions. Thanks    — [Anonymous] (posted on February 10, 2000)

February 10, 2000
I, too, have a problem with body image. Sometimes there is a deep rooted problem that can only be helped with counseling. Try to focus on other things besides your weight. Possibly try some volunteer work or community service. It's very hard to lose the "fat image" after living with it for so many years. You have to make yourself believe that you are a worthy human being. Also let's not forget that many of us have always been judged by our size and not our hearts and minds. Wishing you a health and happy life.
   — Sandy 2.

February 10, 2000
I have had a body image problem my entire life. When I was a skinny child I thought I was fat. I look at pictures now and realize I was anorexic-looking. As a teenager and young adult I believed I looked like I weighed 120 even at nearly 215 lbs.(5 ft tall) Everytime I passed a mirror or window reflection I was appalled. But it didn't make me want to lose weight severely. (although I was constantly on a diet). It didn't dawn on me I had a problem until at 28 I started having daily chest pains. I was in VERY BAD health and told I would die if I didn't lose wieght. I took a before surgery picture with and without clothes with a poloraid. I take a pic weekly. I cannot tell I've lost a pound even if my clothes are falling off me. I look in the mirror and look the same to me. But if I date my pics and line them up side by side I can see the wieghtloss. Its the only thing that has worked for me. Hopefully if will work for you. Use a instant camera so you can see your pic immediately. It makes a huge difference.
   — [Anonymous]

February 10, 2000
Sometimes, I have a body image problem too. And until I read your post it never really dawned on me that it was an image problem. I, for the most part, am very pleased with how I look and couldn't be happier. But there are days where I feel that I am still 250 pounds and look like a cow. But I know, in reality, that I don't look like that anymore. I believe it's an adjustment that we need to go through. I don't find it a bothersome problem, but I do still tend to look at myself as "morbidly obese" like I was 7 months ago. If it gets too bad, maybe you should consider talking to a psychologist about it, it may be a deep rooted problem that needs to be addressed. Good Luck, Marni
   — Marni

February 20, 2000
I have lost 96 pounds, and I cannot tell. My clothes are not all ridiculously baggy, and my underwear still fit. I am happier now to know this image problem is not an isolated problem.
   — Jennifer C.

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