Has anyone had the surgery who had congestive heart failure?

Were there additional problems or concerns?    — Debbie M. (posted on September 1, 1999)

September 1, 1999
Hi Debbie.. I was in CHF when I had the surgery...had been for more than a year. I aspirated on the table and was in ICU for a couple weeks..but..I made it..I had some other problems as well..don't know where you're at as far as that goes... De
   — Deanna D.

September 1, 1999
Hi Debbie: I had asthma real bed prior to surgery and I had slight CHF because I retained water so much, especially so since they gave me steroids all the time for my asthma. I did not have a problem with the asthma or CHF after surgery. The more weight I lost the better my health became. I noticed you are from Michigan, - so am I. I live around the Midland area, and grew up (and still have family)in the Detroit area.Where is Buchanan? Who is your Dr? and where will you have surgery? I am 16mo. post-op and have lost about 160# and am holding there.I would like to talk to you more if you care to answer. Good Luck! Jan Terry
   — Jan T.

August 4, 2001
I would like to respond to the Drs answer to the question I have a pacemaker (ihave heartblock) i have posted a question several times w/ no response except one man who had a diff. problem. Any problems with pacemaker patients having this surgery? thanks jacki lamphire
   — Jackiis

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