I also just got scheduled for surgery on April 5th, any words of advice?

I am 5'4" and 410lbs. I have been working on getting the surgery covered by insurance since December. I finally got over that hurdle. I have never had any surgery or any other hospital stay or procedure. I am concerned about the short term pain and discomfort. I am also concerned about daily cleanliness. It's hard enough as it is, I can't imagine the effort with a zipper up my belly.    — Ken C. (posted on March 16, 1999)

March 30, 1999
Ken,the nurses will help you keep clean while in the hospital. You will be so full of drugs that the very last thing on your mind will be modesty. The pain was terrible for me the first day. I had spasms along my stiching line. I would just moan and my relatives would yell at me to hit the button. (The automatic pain dispenser). My aunt finally just took the pain dispenser away from me to hit it herself when I had a spasm. The next day the spasms were gone and the pain was not so bad. I had demeral in my IV for the first day. They stopped this on the second day and gave me percedan (sp?). The only real pain I had was when I had to get out of bed. Unfortunatly, they cut all the muscles you use to get out of bed. After the first week, the pain is pretty much gone. The big thing is figuring out what and how much you can eat! Eating too much is not fun. You feel really horrible. The first 2 months is getting used to knowing when you have to stop. Good luck. You can email me if you have any other questions. I have been VERY happy I had the surgery. I had it October 7, 1998 at 312. I am now at 231 having lost 81 pounds! I feel so good. It is unbelievable how the pounds slow you down. I am playing tennis and softball. It's great!
   — Linda H.

March 30, 1999
My husband had this surgery many years ago and was feeling up to his old self in about 4 days. Once the staples were out he never gave his incision another thought. I know you will do well. Good Luck.
   — sharon R.

April 8, 1999
Sure, there will be some pain...but it's nothing you can't handle. Especially with the 'trusty button' by your side! I would advise you to get up and moving as soon as possible no matter how bad or good you feel. I, too, was walking within 12 hours and I believe this helped me later. I'm only 2 weeks post-op and i'm totally back to normal...actually felt good 3 or 4 days after surgery. As far as cleanliness...invest in a nice long shower head for those hard to reach places! :) I was told to use just plain soap and water on my incision...easy enough! Good luck with your surgery! Carol GBS-3/25/99...down 30 pounds already!
   — Carol W.

April 24, 1999
Ken - how are you doing? Did you have any problems. I had my surgery in August, lost 115 pounds so far. I would like to hear how you are. Beth
   — Beth B.

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