After having a baby, can the gastric bypass cause severe anxiety?

Is there an enzyme missing when we have the bypass that deals with depression or anxiety.    — Pam S. (posted on October 28, 2004)

October 27, 2004
I can't see how depression (which is generally a chemical imbalance of the brain) or anxiety would be from bypass after having a baby. I don't think one has to do with another. Now- if we're talking about the psychological effects of weight gain and trying to loose after having a baby...that is surely an issue, but a psychological issue, not a physical one. If you're suffering from either of these things, please seek professional help. They aren't physically beacuse of weight loss surgery, and they need to be addressed.

October 28, 2004
those hormones are raging post partum. Post partum depression can occur anytime in the first year after having a baby and it affect 1 out of 3 women who give birth. First, I would like to say if you are feeling depressed after having a baby talk to your doctor. A couple weeks of baby blues is normal. Longer than 2 weeks is not. I would also like to say that if you are feeling depressed post partum It is not your fault, you did nothing to cause it and you deserve to get help. good luck! I have been there.
   — **willow**

October 28, 2004
Anxiety can mean your thyroid is out of wack. Have it checked.
   — ZZ S.

October 29, 2004
I agree with the others. It sounds more like a hormone/baby issue than a gastric bypass issue. Severe anxiety after a baby is nothing to mess with if its went on for any length of time. See your doctor..if she/he won't help find another that will. Best of luck and keep us posted on how you're doing. congrats on the baby. Is it your first?
   — FaithMills

October 29, 2004
Ya know, I have anxiety bouts occasionally post-op. FOr me, it's when my blood sugars get too low. I do about 6 protein shakes/day (very low - no sugar, from, and doing one usually brings the anxiety level right down. If you're nursing (or not) this could be your problem, too. Try it, see how it works for you. Drink shake made with water/ice, wait 10 min, check anxiety. Gone? Good. Order more. :o)
   — RWH G.

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