i woke up 3 days ago, with a sore throat and white patches in the back of my thoat...

i woke up with the white patches covering the back of my throat..and my throat is sore..nothing on my tougue..swollen gallens...neck hurts to the touch...    — angela-thomas (posted on October 24, 2003)

October 24, 2003
Sounds like strep throat.....better to call your doctor and have a culture done. Hope you feel better soon.
   — firelace

October 24, 2003
I'm not a doctor but sounds like Strep throat. You need antibiotics fast.
   — blanca V.

October 24, 2003
It could also be severe tonsilitis or oral thrush (in your throat). I'd call your PCP. I hope you feel better soon!
   — Renee B.

October 24, 2003
eeeeeeeehhhhhhhh STREP THROAT! Get a culture asap because it is contagious. I have had strep many times and it is very painful. Luckily I react very well to antibiotics though. If it is strep please do not break the antibiotic cycle because this makes you more likely to get it again. ouch good luck.
   — Emily H.

October 24, 2003
I had that twice and they called it staff infection just like a severe strep throat. Get on the antibiotics ASAP! Good luck!
   — Sandy M.

October 24, 2003
Hi sweetie, well i was told by my surgical nurse that white aptches in the mouth mean yeast infection or another word for it thrush. you will need medication, please go to the doctor. Dawn
   — sweetdarling_ab

October 24, 2003
Yikes! Strep - my son gets it a few times a year (unfortunately), also if you have a rash anywhere on your body, that is another sign of strep. It is highly contagious and can cause big problems if it goes untreated. Get to the doctor asap!!!
   — Dawn P.

October 25, 2003
sounds like strep to me. I had it a couple of times. Need to see a Dr. and get meds for it.
   — christine M.

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