Sorry to bother you guys... do you think it is possible to lose eight

My surgery is on 10/06/03 I have know about it for 3 wks. Yes I have procrastenated, wow sp badly, and now I need to loose 6-10 by 10-06-03 so I can have it lap. I am really stressed. I was thinking either doing Atkins or srtickly my protien drinks and then on fri and sat the hollywood diet. I guess I just would reall appriecate your guys adivise. I know I should of done this early. I am haveing a hard time.    — kelly H. (posted on September 28, 2003)

September 28, 2003
Kelly, My surgeon required I be on protein and veggies only the last 2 weeks. I lost 21 lbs. Depending on your current weight etc. it may or may not be possible. I would do the best you can. Just know that starving yourself will not likely produce the results you want as your body will try to protect itself. Also drink tons of water as that is very helpful in losing weight. <p>I would definitely prepare yourself for having an open procedure no matter what your weight ends up being. Many LAP procedures end up getting converted to opens due to problems. Doing the diet I did was strictly greared towards shrinking your liver to make surgery easier. This is very important with LAP, as many times the reasona they cannot do it is because the liver is so fatty and big and they cannot get it sufficiently out of the way. Good Luck and please do this sensible. You do not want to run down your body before a major surgery! I have a 6" open scar and I'd do it again. I have no regrets!
   — zoedogcbr

September 28, 2003
Kelly, I've been doing protein shakes for breakfast and lunch, then sensible dinner. I've lost 14 lbs in the last few weeks. I'm sure if I had done protein shakes 100% the weight loss would be greater. Be sure you drink LOTS of water, take your vitamins too, exercise (or at least walk) every day. Wishing you the best.
   — [Deactivated Member]

September 28, 2003
The fastest way for most people to lose a lot of weight is a high-protein-almost-no-carb diet, a la Atkins. It quickly eliminates a lot of fluid weight. Try it--what do you have to lose but a few pounds. And, as a previous poster said, be prepared to have an open procedure. That's not a bad alternative at all. After a few weeks of healing, you'll never know the difference. Best wishes to you.
   — Vespa R.

September 29, 2003
Do cardio too!
   — mrsmyranow

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