Not a question - I GOT A DATE FOR THE 5TH OF DECEMBER, YEAH!!!!!

I got a date, thank god:)))) Well, I just got back from the doctor's and he gave me a date of December 5th and I am so excited. Now I have to schedule test for my psych and my sleep apnea and my dietician. I am on vacation the week of the 13th in October, so I hope that they will let me take all those test then. Please keep me in your prayers.    — Tanya F. (posted on September 22, 2003)

September 22, 2003
Congratulations to both of us!!!! I got my surgery date today and it is also for December 5th, in Saranac Lake,NY.I am so happy, we will both make it through this fine!Very few people regret this decision,just look at the "Big Picture!"
   — natalie J.

September 22, 2003
Congratulations!! I am excited for you. What a wonderful Christmas gift. I hope that I can get through my insurance approval and scheduled before the end of the year too. We shall see.
   — Arizona_Sun

September 22, 2003
Congratulations Honey! I am soooo happy for you! I remember that feeling. It is going to be a great way to enter the new year and be 20lbs. lighter that you have in years! Good for you!
   — Michele B.

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