I need diet suggestions for weight required before surgery?

I need to lose 50lbs asap. Does anyone have any suggesstions for fast short term weight loss other than the high protein, low carb, diet?    — Selinda M. (posted on August 14, 2003)

August 14, 2003
WHAT? Who on earth is requiring <i>that</i>??? If it's your doctor I sure hope he's worth it! The <b>only</> thing I could suggest is Atkins or a similar low-carb/high protein diet. However, even those aren't <i>that</i> fast! If you don't go low-carb/High protein I'd have no clue what you should do. Does your surgeon or PCP have a suggestion? Good luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

August 14, 2003
The fastest that I have lost is on the diet my surgeon put me on 2 weeks prior to surgery. Carnation instant breakfast (no sugar added) made with skim milk five times a day plus 64 oz. of water or other low calorie liquid. I lost 18 pounds.
   — judyc7

August 14, 2003
I took Phentermine and did low cal/fat from Aug to Dec and lost 49 lbs before surgery. My doctor did not require it I was doing to appease the insurance Gods. But as soon as I stopped taking the drug I gained 6 lbs! Good luck~
   — Haziefrog

August 14, 2003
I'm going under the assumption that you need to lose this weight to appease your surgeon before your surgery. I hope you have a reasonable time frame to lose 50 pounds. That's a huge amount of weight. Even post op I didn't lose that amount for 2 months and I was not a lightweight. I would recommend staying away from any diet drugs - you don't know what kinds of interactions they might have with the drugs you'll need for surgery, but if you do, make sure the surgeons know what you took. Did your surgeon have any suggestions for you to lose this much weight? I'm sorry that you are under this pressure. There are other surgeons who don't require this.
   — Yolanda J.

August 14, 2003
Definitely don't use any diet drugs or starve yourself as that can cause other health problems. I knew before I went to my consult that the surgeons at UCLA typically asked for weight loss before surgery. I joined weight watchers and lost 26 lbs by the time I had my consult. Imagine my surprise when the surgeon told me he wanted me to lose 20 more lbs before surgery!!! That's a total of 46 lbs. I started at 305, now am at 275 so was surprised at the additional weight requirement. It's OK, I'm going along with the program as I have WLS scheduled for Nov. I'm still attending Weight Watchers, but the last two weeks have been doing an Atkins type diet eating high protein and low carbs. I have found that I lose a little quicker if I do protein shakes for breakfast and lunch and then protein & small salad for dinner. Exericise and drinking lots of water is key for this to work too. Take vitamins too. One diet that worked well for me a few years ago was Fit For Life. I averaged almost a lb a day (as long as I exercised too). The book Fit For Life is written by Harvey Diamond and is still available. It is food combining .. fruit/fruit juice until noon, veggies for lunch and dinner with either a protein, starch, or dairy product. They recommend staying away from dairy. You need to read the book to understand it all. I was never hungry with this program, but it was hard to stick to long term. All the fruit too may not work for someone who is diabetic. Hope this helps.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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