I have been feeling SO guilty...

The nutritionist put me on a low carb diet until surgery. I am allowed 30 grams of Carbs per day. HOWEVER...I feel SO guilty when I have ANY Carbs. I have been eating less than 10 a day. And, when I eat those, I feel like a COMPLETE FAILURE. Has this happened to any one else? Also...I never used to like pasta that much, but since this low-carb thing, I think about it all the time! I guess something being "illegal" makes it much more inticing!!! I try to tell myself that DIETING is the wrong mindset. I think that as long as I eat HEALTHY, I shouldn't beat myself up over eating something not so healthy occasionally. I am drinking my 64oz of water every day. It's hard, but I already feel so much better! Does anyone have any words of encouragement or thoughts? Thanks so much!!!!    — BeckyT (posted on August 4, 2003)

August 4, 2003
I just wanted to share with you that I'm on a low carb diet, too, until I can have my surgery. A great website to check out is -- there is great support on the bulletion boards and good recipes and all kinds of stuff! Good Luck!! :)
   — sibarra

August 4, 2003
You really should follow the advice of the dietitian and DON"T feel quilty. You need to be 100% healthy the day of surgery. I just yesterday found low carb pasta made by Keto Foods. It was at our local Vitamin Shoppe but I am sure many health food stores carry the brand too. Keto Foods has an on-line store that is filled with pastas, bread mixes, cookie mixes etc that are all low carb. Hope this helps.
   — [Deactivated Member]

August 4, 2003
Rebecca, stop beating yourself up! First, carbs are not evil. Your body NEEDS a certain amount of carbohydrates. It is the preferred fuel for your brain, lungs and heart--pretty important organs. You can get by without carbs for a little while, but not forever. Fruits and veggies are carbs that provide fiber and a wide range of necessary nutrients. It's refined carbs that don't give back enough for the affect they have on insulin and subsequent fat storage. Refined carbs are most of your white colored foods (bread, rice, potatoes, pasta, sugar). So, get your carbs in through fruits and veggies. You'll do better to avoid refined carbs, but you're right that the forbidden food becomes the desired food, so don't completley forbid them, just eat them in moderation, as an ocassional treat (yes, pasta as a treat). You're doing a wonderful thing for yourself. Best wishes on your journey.
   — Vespa R.

August 4, 2003
I think this is that old diet mentality kicking...I think sometimes when we diet, we go over-board. If 30 carbs is good 20 is better and 10 is excellent. I think it's one of the reasons that diets fail. One - not the ONLY reason! I do this with exercise too (sigh...) if 30 minutes is good then an hour is excellent. And of course then I'm worn out and sore and my motivation goes right out the window, I backslide, feel guilty...which only makes me avoid it more. I agree with the others...listen to your advisor!
   — [Deactivated Member]

August 4, 2003
There must be something wrong with me because I RELISH the carbs I have every day! LOL Just a bite of mashed potatoes and I'm in heaven (not that I do it every day). But seriously, I agree with the poster who said that this kind of thinking is exactly why *diets* fail ... we start thinking about *good* foods and *bad* foods and the *bad* ones are always the ones we want! But our bodies need HEALTHY carbs! I have learned that if I try to limit my carbs to almost nothing, I wind up craving them ... then I OVERindulge in them. By all means, enjoy your 30 grams a day ~ I certainly do! Just try to make them good carbs - fruits, veggies (I am a salad addict) and the *OCCASIONAL* bites of pasta and potatoes if you absolutely have to have them. As long as your protein intake is good, you're keeping your water going, and getting your exercise, there is no reason why you should feel guilty about eating your carbs. So ENJOY!~ Jody
   — MomBear2Cubs

August 4, 2003
It has lots to do with our mind. I go on Atkin's frequently to keep my weight in check. I know that I can eat as much and often as I want as long as its the "legal" no sugar, low carb foods. So I allow myself the real whipping cream and sf jell-o, or that chocolate whipping cream as a treat. You can have any grilled meat on the grill with cheese, with a big salad with real dressing.(ck labels) I try to think of it as cheating so my mind thinks I'm getting a treat.
   — ZZ S.

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