Seeking Info On New Anti-Depressant with limited Sexual Side Effects

I read on this site about a new anti-depressant medication that doesn't take away your sexual desires while at the same time helps you. I am going throught a lot of different things. Please refresh my memory of this med. I know I read about it on here now I can't find it again.    — Joan T. (posted on August 3, 2003)

August 3, 2003
Hi! I've been told that Lexapro is supposed to be good in that respect. From personal experience, Wellbutrin is better than most too. Good luck!
   — Amy M.

August 3, 2003
Serzone. Actually clains in its literature that it increases sexual desire.
   — Sarah H.

August 3, 2003
Serzone. Actually claims in its literature that it increases sexual desire.
   — Sarah H.

August 3, 2003
Hi, I stopped taking anti depressants after my surgery and was fine until about six months out and then crashed hard. my doctor perscribed Lexipro and I am very pleased. I feel like myself again and have noticed no side effects; sexual, or otherwise. not hyper nor changes in appetite or sleeping habits. From past experience this is a good thing. I am very pleased with this medication. Monika
   — Monika W.

August 3, 2003
   — Nannette

August 4, 2003
I was on Paxil and had horrible side-effects, made me even more depressed, NO sex drive whatsoever, never thought about it, never wanted to even talk about it and this is very unusual for me. I then tried Effexor and WOW! What a huge change. No side effects whatsoever for me, sexual or otherwise. Good luck to you!
   — [Deactivated Member]

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