Help! I've gotten food poisoning...What can I do or take?

Hello! I had a taco salad from a fast food chain and got sick! really, really sick. Stomach cramps etc. Two days either in bed or the bathroom. Today is the third day and while it is better, it's not gone. What can we do or take for the cramps and the runs?    — CrystalBroj (posted on July 13, 2003)

July 12, 2003
Call your PCP NOW! They can perscribe anti nausea meds over the phone that will fix you instantly. The real danger is dehydration and low electrolytes like potassium. Thats dangerous. Your PCP should probably send you to the ER for a blood test. This happened to me pre op and the ER doc said I was in danger of a heart attack my potassium was so low. CALL YOUR PCP RIGHT NOW. Its called eing better safe than sorry.
   — bob-haller

July 13, 2003
I would suggest getting to the ER for some fluids (you are probably dehydrated), at the very least... and the restaurant needs to know that they got you sick.
   — kultgirl

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