Does seeing a psych after child born count towards your physical?

I have 10 month old and after having him I had post partum and I was seeing a psychiatrist, well that was about 6 months ago, will I need to see another psychiatrist or can I just get a medical release form from the one I was seeing?    — Tanya F. (posted on July 1, 2003)

July 1, 2003
you should just be able to get the clearance for your own psychiatrist you are using now. just make sure he states that you are "ok" to go ahead with surgery. if he just puts that you or doing fine...that won't work. it must say you are ok for surgery. good luck
   — franbvan

July 1, 2003
Like a lot of other things, it depends. Your insurance company or surgeon may have specific rules. In my case a letter from my current therapist worked fine. However, your psychiatrist may be reluctant to do it after not seeing your for six months. You've got a little bit of reasearch to do on this topic with your providers.
   — Amber L.

July 1, 2003
I think 6 months is a long time in terms of a person's mental state of mind - I wouldn't be surprised one bit if you needed a new psych eval.
   — bethybb

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