Have I traded one problem for another?

I am almost 7 weeks post-op Lap RNY. I have lost 33#. I can't shake the idea that I have not improved my life by having this surgery. I feel traped at home more now than before. Seems I have traded eating constantly for worrying about how much protein, water and vitamins I'm getting. I'm afraid to go anywhere for fear I will get sick. I get sick when I drink much water and sick when I eat much that is not pureed. Nothing medicaly wrong Dr. checked everything out. Will I ever get through this? I can't help but wonder What Was I Thinking?    — Barbara S. (posted on June 8, 2003)

June 8, 2003
I gets BETTER! I had open RNY 18 months ago and my life is on it's way to being grand. I returned to work 2 weeks post-op and have had very little trouble other than developing 9 hernias and a stricture. The stricture was easy to fix and the hernias paid for the tummy tuck. Everyone is different in the beginning - I really had no trouble but a lot of people do. Try not to eat too much or too fast - I know it's hard because you don't feel full yet. At that stage I wasn't concerned about protein - I ate what I could. I took my vitamins twice a day and my calcium three times a day and that was that. I ate a lot of chili from Wendy's and a lot of cottage cheese and canned salmon. Just keep experimenting til you find what works for you. To give you an idea of how much better it gets, I went out of town this weekend. Had a chicken strip from Popeye's for lunch - best option there was. For dinner I had steak fajitas and guacamole without the tortillas. I took the leftovers and put them in the fridge. I had a carton of yogurt for breakfast and the some of the leftovers for lunch. It was easy. I modeled in a style show for my surgeon's support group and shopped til I dropped. In other words, I had a wonderful weekend and I could never had done what I did if I still weighed 46 pounds. So, give yourself a little time - eat very soft foods if you have to but it does get much better.
   — Patty_Butler

June 8, 2003
I am only pre-op, so I might not know what I'm talking about, if so please forgive me. But, I think that 33 lbs in 7 weeks is AWESOME!.....Sometimes our head can play tricks with and maybe you might have gotten sick once while drinking your water. I'm still new at this, but maybe try sipping on crystal light tea or the crystal light orange pineapple is really good. Try taking short trips out, maybe not even getting out of the car. My second pregancy I was throwing up all the time, so when I went into a store the first thing that I did was to find the restrooms. Do know the saying "GOT TO GO, GOT TO GO!", I bet 1/2 the people on this web-site has had the same thing happen to them. Say a prayer and try to get your fears under control and I bet before no time you will be feeling better. Hope this helps! Teresa
   — TERESA G.

June 8, 2003
Barbara, I too had my RNY surgery in the same month, 4/18. I know some of the frustration that you are going through. I was worried about getting enough protien and water but I read online somewhere that it's more important that you get your water in than it is to eat right now. As soon as I read that I started to worry less about the eating part and my water intake went up some. I still can only get about 24oz down but I haven't gotten dehydrated yet. As far as the protien goes, I don't really worry about it but I do eat mostly things with protien before I eat anything else. If I'm having chicken, potato's and greenbeans, I eat the chicken first then if I can, I eat a little of the other things. At first when I was home I would become nausiated when I drank water and that was only sips but after I read that article from a doctor that does this surgery, I stopped worrying and my intake increased. I wouldn't push the solid food yet if you still can't eat anything but mushy stuff. Just try to introduce them slowly. I ate a lot of mashed potato's at first. Hope this helps and if you would like to talk more feel free to email me.
   — Kim J.

June 8, 2003
You're ONLY 7 weeks out, not to panic at this stage. It's still new and you're learning. It will become 2nd nature and you won't even think of it. Promise!
   — ZZ S.

June 8, 2003
Barbara, it's your twin here.....Karen! We had our surgery the same day, so I really do understand how you are feeling. I am coming to terms with some things that we will have to be 'concerned' with forever. I am trying to think... No big deal! We know what we have to do. So, let's do it. The less of a big deal we make of it, the less complicated it is. I am trying to live by the motto, keep it simple! I would rather exert my efforts into having a wonderful, healthy life. I am down 40 lbs, but as you & I have said before... we will each loose at the pace that is right for us. E-mail me soon, I miss you!
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 8, 2003
Hi! I had my 3 year birthday on April 17. I still get sick when I eat sometimes. I still have the fumes from hell. I keep air freshener in my purse. The very first thing I look for when I go some place is the restroom. I have chronic diarrhea. In the morning I wear a size 6, and by night time I wear a size 18. I look about 18 months pregnant. If you read my profile, you could see your future if you didn't have the surgery. I had it to save my life. My quality of life is about the same, but I am not dying now. I even have more pain now than before. You could have got all the co-morbidities if you hadn't had surgery. I am not a poster child for WLS. But I am a poster child for prolonging my life. I have a wonderful relationship with my Grandson that I would have missed out on if I would have died from my co-morbidities. I wake up every morning, look in the mirror and think I look too cute!! And that's at 46!! I did morn food for a long time, just like someone who misses their abusive parent, or husband. It does get easier to believe in yourself. After lying to yourself for years to go on a new diet and loose the weight once and for all, and failed, you think this is going to happen again. Enjoy it while you can. KEEP OFF THE SCALE. It is your enemy. Good Luck, Love yourself, and God Bless You --
   — CohenHeart

June 9, 2003
Barbara, some post-ops just have a tougher time to start out with and you seem to be one of them. I know you have a hard time believing it right now, but it does get better, it just may take a little longer for you. Eventually the vitamin, water, and protein will become routine for you and as you are able to eat more without getting sick, the worry should go away. Try not to stress too much and think about those 33 pounds that you have lost already! Have you tried any protein supplements? There are so many different types of shakes out there and if you can find one you like, you can sip that and get in an extra 25-30 grams of protein from just one shake. has samples you can buy. Try doctoring the shake up with water/ice/fresh frozen fruit, non-fat yogurt in a blender..makes it like a smoothie and easier to handle.
   — Cindy R.

June 9, 2003
Barbara, it is frustrating when it seems there is so much to change. What helped me is taking one thing at a time, working on one change or behavior at a time. First I focused on getting in all my water. The best way for me to do this is to drink 16 oz bottles. It takes me about a half hour to drink 16 oz. I only need to do this 4 times a day to meet my goal. Then I worked on getting my multi-vitamin. Then I added in my iron and other supplements. It's a lot easier to build a habit when you are only working on one thing at a time. Then after that becomes a habit and you are consistent with it, you add in other things. It really worked for me. Now I find it easy to drink my water and take my vitamins. Also, if water is hard for you to drink, you might try Diet Snapple. I like the Cranberry Raspberry and the Carrot Orange. I stay away from the teas because of the caffeine. Also, I drink new MinuteMaid Lite Lemonade and Crystal Light. Sometimes these are easier for me to drink than water. Good luck.
   — Janet S.

June 9, 2003
You will get better. I too thought "how will I ever get anything done or actually work an 8 hour day". It seemed that I was either eating, drinking, or worrying about myself, reading everything about weightloss surgery, obsessed with it so to speak. Now at almost 11 mos postop, I have a lot more time. I only eat 3 meals and 1 or 2 snacks. I feel more organized and can eat whatever I want (in small quantities)except sodas and sugar and too much bread. I know it seems like the way you are now will last forever, but time goes by fast and you will notice even at 3 mos. out a big difference. Are you drinking protein shakes or eating protein bars? I ate cheese a lot at first. Even though it's high in fat, it has protein and is dairy. Try Crystal Lite or Fruit-2-O or some other flavored water/drink that is non-sugar. Treat yourself by buying your own stash of good-for-you things. I had a hard time keeping my kids out of my drinks or snacks. Hugs to you! It will get better! Melisa RNY 08/15/02 -95 lbs
   — mbradley35

June 13, 2003
I went through the same thing and I think everyone does. You have to get out and start walking! As the weight starts coming off, you'll begin getting out even more and enjoying shopping for new clothes! No, you did not make a mistake, you'll be even more beautiful once the weight comes off and your confidence begins to build!
   — dolphins94

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