I've been told all my life I have such a

seen as the jolly, fun one anymore and ppls perceptions of me will change out of jealousy or whatever. I'm also afaid I will change and I like myself just the way I am(besides the weight). I'm sorry this is so long, but it's nice to have someplace to go and connect with other people having the same problems.    — cat F. (posted on March 9, 2003)

March 9, 2003
I was afraid I was gonna change too..people see me kinda the same,silly,etc.. I may only be 7 weeks post op but Im down 30 pounds and Im still the same person I have always been..actually Im MUCH happier and people notice that..I wont allow myself to be someone different and you wont either if u like who u are! as for people who treat u different whether they are jealous or whatever their deal is..they arent worth ur time if they arent happy u have made steps to improve urself..move on coz theres alot of us out there who ARE happy for u!!!
   — christine S.

March 9, 2003
Catherine, it is completely understandable to feel this way. But the truth is, I can't speak for everyone, but many of us stay the same on the inside. And it is OKAY to like the way you look after WLS. It really hasn't changed me, and I haven't heard from any person that they think it has. They all say I look healthier and seem happier, but that is really it. I will never forget how miserable I was being fat, so I will never judge other people. I'm still the nice person I always was, just wearing a size 6/8 now :)
   — Lezlie Y.

March 9, 2003
Hi Catherine, its funny i was so afraid that my personality was going to change after I lost my weight and i still have a way to go but you want to know still the same person i was before i lost the weight only im thinner. i still have a great sence of humor, im still good hearted and if anything im more compassionate towars everybody no mater what it is..dont worry we lose weight and dont get brain surgery..youll be fine.joann laporte
   — JoAnn

March 9, 2003
Besides the fact that I lost my best friend over this whole thing, someone told me the other day that I don't seem like my jolly (jolly=fat) old self. But I think this has more to do with the fact that I am juggling RN school with my administrative nursing job, with 2 kids and a husband--rather than with losing weight. The only thing I've changed is I don't do self-depracating humor anymore, but that's a good thing, right?!
   — Kimberley E.

March 9, 2003
Hi! Some people will change in the way they are around you. I just take it whichever it comes. I haven't changed, actually I'm more outgoing than before. I feel better and that contributes to my jolliness. I have family that are always asking me how I feel and what I'm eating. I have family that just goes on like nothing's changed, which it really hasn't...other than I'm losing weight, which has nothing to do with them. Be fun, be jolly, be everything that you are! Forget about other people's opinions and jealouses. You are doing this for YOU! not for them. I have one or two people who are heavy who seem to be more distant now, but I can't change them or control them. It's their choice to be the way they are. I don't have to be affected. Good Luck to you! Melisa RNY 08/15/02 -82lbs
   — mbradley35

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