I am now 8 weeks post-op , down 40 pounds & feel

I know that this seems crazy but it is how I am feeling right now. I am 40 pounds lighter than when I started & I feel like I weigh a ton. I almost think that mentally I am trying to rush my weight loss & now that I am not losing as fast as I think I should.. I am down in the dumps. I am normally a up beat person & I've heard this is normal to feel this way. Is it? Will it soon go away? Am I losing at a good pace or am I pushing myself too much? Any replys would be great! Good luck everyone!    — Beth G. (posted on February 19, 2003)

February 19, 2003
Beth, I feel exactly the same way. I am 5 weeks out from Lap RNY, I have lost 32 lbs, and most of that I lost in the first two weeks. It is like I hit a plateau at 3 weeks out and that I am staying there. The only encouragement I can offer is this web site. I find that looking through the library at other people questions and responses about plateaus and weight loss expectations, show that we are completely normal. We really are not losing slower than "average". Try reading some of those. I found that being "not alone in this delima" in itself is encouraging. Congratulations on your success thus far.
   — Gina C.

February 19, 2003
Hi Beth, I felt and sometimes still feel the same way. I am 3 months out and have lost 63 lbs (lap rny). I am happy with my wt. loss, but still feel huge. When I decided to have wls it was very hard for me to admit that I needed it - I never really seen myself as big as I was. I started out at 281 - 5'5", but I was still very functional in life and I new that I was heavy, but not huge. Now, I trully realize how much I weighed. As more wt. comes off - I am feeling better about it and I am sure you will too. Good Luck!
   — kandi S.

February 19, 2003
Beth, It sounds like your doing great. Everybody is different, no two people lose at the same rate, just like none of us gained weight at the same rate. So many changes are taking place in your body that you can't see, be patient and this to will pass.
   — Sandy A.

February 19, 2003
This is very normal Beth! This is exactly the reason most surgeons require a psychiatric evaluation before, to make sure you can handle all the emotions that come along with the physical changes post-op. I went through a small state of depression afterwards. 40lbs. in 2 months is wonderful weight loss! That is exactly where I was at during that time. Now I am 8 1/2 months post-op and down 105lbs. and very close to my goal (and I've had a million plateaus!) So if you keep losing like you are, you'll be at goal in no time, too! I'm an upbeat person as well, and for a while I didn't want to talk to anyone, i just felt not myself. Now I feel great, anywhere I go I get compliments, from friends and strangers, so that has helped alot as well as seeing my clothes sizes shrink! This will pass, i can't remember how long I felt yucky, but it went away. Don't worry- you'll come out of it! Keep up the good work, you're doing great!
   — Lezlie Y.

February 19, 2003
Hi, Beth. I am 8 weeks out and have lost 43 pounds so we are on par. I have had ups and downs and it can be very frustrating. I completely understand the emotional rollercoaster you are on right now. I think it can be called "post op blues" and can last a couple weeks to a few months. I have been reading a lot on this site and have checked with my surgeon and have found we are right on schedule for the weight loss. Are you attending any of the support groups in your area? If not, you might want to consider going as they can be a great resource. Also, are you getting your protein and water in? I found my mood and energy levels started improving once I started getting more of my protein and water in each day. I still have the rollercoaster, but, it does get better! Take it easy on yourself. I think you are doing great. We'll get through this... just take it one day at a time and think positive. :-)
   — Angela D.

February 19, 2003
Hi--I felt (feel!) the same way. Started at 243 on Dec. 11 and am now 185--but feel almost bigger now as everyone is looking at me now, and asking me about how much I've lost. And the more people tell me I look great, I get a little paranoid that everyone's looking at me, you know? But it's getting better, as I am FINALLY starting to see the loss in myself.
   — Kimberley E.

February 20, 2003
You're losing quickly, by my standards! I can really identify with the body size perception issues. I have never been able to objectively view my body. It always looks bigger or smaller than I think it does. Now that my weight loss has slowed down (1 year post op), I'm starting to get some perspective. However, many times this past year it took real effort to even remember what I weighed! (Let's see, do I weight 280 or 180? hmmmm......). I think what you're experiencing is very normal.
   — Kathy J.

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