Concerned about Lack of Testing 8 Months Out

I am 8 months post op lap rny successfully done. however I have not had any test done yet. I know im dumb and im suppose to have already have some tests done.but I moved to another state three months after my surgery and have had a major hard time finding a doctor... I am soooooo scraed because today at work a friend of mine said her cousin died after 1yr out. I am so scared because I should have had some kind of tests done. I have had only one problem about 2 months ago they found a small ulcer. but I was taking Prevacid and have had no problem since. I have lost 120lbs so far and feel great. I am 27 and full of energy.....I'm i ok because I haven't taken any shots. PS I made appt for next week for my blood work, protein and iron to be checked out.    — stacey T. (posted on December 11, 2002)

December 11, 2002
Stacy, Don't worry too much. My surgeon doesn't do follow up lab work til we are 8 1/2 months out unless there is a problem. It sounds as if you are doing fine and since you have scheduled the lab work, you should be ok. Open RNY 11/29/01 -160 pounds
   — Patty_Butler

December 11, 2002
My surgeon does do test until 1 year out. I asked him to at 6 months, because if something was wrong I wanted to know now, not 6 months from now. Everything was perfect !! Just go to your regular doctor and ask them to run some test.
   — Sharon H.

December 11, 2002
I haven't been back to my surgeon either. He was so focused about me losing a certain amount of weight each month. I hated going to him. So, I started going to my family doctor to have my levels checked. That's great that you are going in next week.
   — Lynn E.

December 13, 2002
My surgeon does follow-up bloodwork every three months for the first year. He feels if a problem develops, it can be fixed while still minor. Since you absorb less of the nutrients and have to supplement more, preventing a problem seems to be a safer way.
   — grammie5

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