How long after surgery do we start taking B-12, vitamins, etc.?

I am asking, because my friend just came home from the hospital yesterday. The Dr. told her to not worry about taking any vitamins, B-12 and not to push any fluids at this time,(just to drink when and how ever much she can toleratre at this point) untill she comes back for her 1 week check up. I know surgeons differ in their advice, just wanted to know if this was the norm for everyone. Thanks,    — Sheryl W. (posted on November 23, 2002)

November 23, 2002
Your friend needs to try and get as close as she can to 48-64 oz of fluid a day - otherwise, she is going to get severely dehydrated and end up back in the hospital. She needs to get one of those sports bottles, fill it with ice and water (or her favorite non-caloric, non-caffeinated beverage) and sip, sip, sip all day long. <p> I started on chewable vitamins on my first day home from the hospital. I did my first B-12 shot when I was in the hospital (for an unrelated problem) 2 weeks after my surgery. My nutritionist recommends you start supplementing B-12 on or before month 2...JR (open RNY 07/17 -114 pounds)
   — John Rushton

November 23, 2002
John, Thanks for your response. I told her the same thing about being careful not to become dehydrated. I was just curious if other post op's surgeons had given the same advice when going home. I will be using the same sugeon on Dec. 17 (WOOHOO!) And just wanted to hear some feedback from others. I too think I will begin taking my vitamins asap when I return home. swoods pre-op til 12/17/02 :)
   — Sheryl W.

November 23, 2002
My surgeon was different than most with the water intake. I was instructed to take in at least 32 ounces of water/liquid a day. I am pretty sure I meet that requirement but only because I was only on a clear liquid diet and even my jello counted towards the total. I don't think I took in any more than that though. I never had a problem with dehydration. As far as the vitamins are concerned, I was only instructed to take my chewable flintstones vitamins for the first month. Then after 1 month I was told to start my calcium citrate + vitamin D (1000-1500 mgs) daily, sublingual B-12 (500mcg) 5 days a week and a prenatal vitamin with extra iron. I think the one I take is Materna. I take some extra things now (I am now almost 4 months out) but the things I take extra are because I want to, not because I was told by my doctor. I am experiencing hair loss and am taking extra supplements to try and stop that. I wish I had taken them before the hair loss started though. You might think about that. Anyway, I hope that helps.
   — Laurel C.

November 23, 2002
I started as soon as I was home on vitamins, calcium, and B12 shots a mth later.
   — Karla K.

November 23, 2002
I started pre op with flintstones, continued with those until i was about 3 weeks post. I started on my multivitamin then. I have never had to take b12, or any other. My bloodwork is awesome, right where it should be. Even my calcium, without suppliments. Check with your surgeon on when you should start multi but don't take extra iron, or b12 unless he or she tells you to. hope it helps
   — tinalivesay

November 24, 2002
I started while I was still in the hospital
   — Linda A.

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