Why doesn't each doctor implaint the greenfield filter before surgery...

if they know that blood clots are a majority of deaths with this surgery? I am scared now,knowing that so many people have died as a result of blood clots. Please help,my sugery is on DEC.11,2002    — Dena B. (posted on November 6, 2002)

November 5, 2002
I too had the same fear! But my doctor did implant the filter...It was very painful but i am glad that i had it done...Why dont you ask for it?
   — tamitoez

November 5, 2002
not everyone needs one. IF you have a history of clots, a family history of clots, or are one of the "super morbidly obese" you are at higher risk. Talk to your doc about it. They may put one in for you is it will make you feel better.
   — Vicki L.

November 5, 2002
Hello there, I found out about the filter and asked my pcp and my cardiologist. Neither one thought it would be necessary as I do not have a history of blood clots in my family or in my medical history. This is my GREATEST fear as well. My surgeon is giving Plavix, a blood thinner after surgery and I feel better about it. Best wishes! :-) Lisa
   — Pizofret

November 6, 2002
Most surgeons don't want to put you thru any unnecessary procedures (not merited based on your history or current health) and many insurances won't cover it if it's isn't deemed medically necessary. Most people do not experience clotting.
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 10, 2002
Hi Dena, I asked my doctor why they don't put the filter in everyone and he said that the filter itself can cause problems and that is why it is only used in special circumstances. I got a blood thinner for the whole time that I was in the hospital and with the support socks and lots of walking am having no problems so far.
   — Suki L.

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