Where do I find a nutritionist ?

My ins. co. wants me to have a nutritional consult for wls. I assumed I would have it done by the nutritionist here at the hospital where I work. I found out the charge for this is $65. per each 15 minutes. My insurance does not cover nutritional consults. Does anyone know if there are nutritionists out there that will do one for less. I can't afford this. One hr. would be $260! Please help!    — Linda S. (posted on October 28, 2002)

October 28, 2002
Linda, call other hospitals. I had mine done at a hospital in the next town to where I live. It was free and only took 1/2 hour. Hope this helps. Good luck to you and God Bless you on this journey!<><
   — garnet156

October 28, 2002
Are you diabetic? Ins companies generally cover them if you are. I am not diabetic, however, b/c my surgery was covered by my insurer, PHS/HealthNet, they covered my nutrionist consulate ($100)...Check with the hospital where you are having the surgery, all hospitals have RD's on staff. Also, if all else fails, your ins should reimbiurse you part if you meet your deductible.
   — heathercross

October 29, 2002
Linda, do you have a surgeon chosen yet for your WLS? Most of them have nutritionists that either work directly for them or they refer to. Mine worked directly for a WLS surgeon and cost me $35 for a good 1/2 hour. You can also contact a support group (most surgeons have one) and ask them who they use.
   — Cindy R.

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