Do you have to have a drainage tube if you have it done laproscopically?

   — a C. (posted on September 30, 2002)

September 30, 2002
I did, on both sides, but they were taken out before I left the hospital! Had surgery on a Tuesday and went home on Friday and back to work on Monday. Only made it 1/2 on Monday, full time after that.(post op 2/19/02, down 116#'s)
   — Terri B.

September 30, 2002
I had both sides with tubes , one was removed before I left the hospital and the other 2 weeks later. I am 7 months post op ! And doing great. I also had lap surgery not open.
   — Nilda G.

September 30, 2002
I had a lap rny on August 28 at 1 pm and was released the next day. I was home before supper. I did not have tubes of any kind. I have felt great and have had no complications at all. I wish you luck with your decision. I know that I made the right one going LAP.
   — Linda K.

September 30, 2002
Depends on what your surgeon thinks. My experience was that my surgeon does not GENERALLY put in drainage tubes when he does a laparascopic procedure. BUT he reserves the right to change his mind if the situation warrants. He's a very, very good surgeon!
   — Marjorie B.

September 30, 2002
Even though I had Open RNY, I know the surgeons at the office where I go to always insert a G Tube and a drain when doing LAP RNY. I only had a G Tube and was home in four days with tube removal in two weeks.
   — Lawrence R.

September 30, 2002
I had open and didn't have one. Depends on the surgeon.
   — Lisa C.

September 30, 2002
I had my LAP on Thursday, 8/15 and was home on Saturday 8/17. No drains.
   — Cathy S.

September 30, 2002
Whether patients have G-tubes or drains is usually due to the surgeon's preferences and training. The five of us in our family who have had lap RNY had no tubes or drains. This is one of those questions to ask the surgeon at your first appointment. Best wishes!
   — Diana T.

October 1, 2002
I had a LAP RNY in April. Out in 3days, back to work in 1 week, no drainage tube.
   — Michael N.

October 1, 2002
Lap RNY and I had a drainage tube that was removed after 1 week post-op. Guess its the surgeon's choice. But I did not have a nose tube which I have heard others had to have!!
   — Cindy R.

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