How easy is it to STRETCH your POUCH?

I asked a similar question not long ago and didn't get much response and I'm still worried -- I know I drink too much/too fast on liquids, it seems I can drink an endless amount! I thought when I started food, I'd really notice feeling full. I'm on mushy food now and still can eat more than I should (although I stop because I'm supposed to). Could I have stretched my pouch drinking too much liquid?!    — jen41766 (posted on August 21, 2002)

August 20, 2002
Hi Jennifer, I don't think you could have stretched your pouch by drinking too much liquid, but I'm not sure. As for feeling full, or not feeling full, I was the same way. I would eat my small meal, and still feel HUNGRY. I am now 6 months post-op, down 73 lbs, and FINALLY know what it is like to feel FULL, which is a new experience for me. I don't think I ever knew what feeling full was like (pre-op). As long as you stay within your doctor's guidelines for food/calorie/water intake, I think you'll be fine. Good luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

August 20, 2002
My surgeon says pouch stretching is a WAY overrated problem. Besides on liquids or mush with your tummy swollen you will likely not feel full, I know I didnt. Just relax! At a month + out I felt full actually never hungry for several months. WISH that were still the case. You will get their too. Drinking liquids will NOT stretch things unless you intentionall try.
   — bob-haller

August 20, 2002
Don't worry girl, I am 33 days post op and I am just getting that "full feeling" when I eat or drink. Up until a week ago I always felt as if I was hungry. It's a weird thing how it suddenly changed. I too, have been able to gulp my water down since surgery, and I am not concerned about stretching my pouch. You'll feel it when you are full and besides, pure liquids run right through you! Everything you're going through now is perfectly normal, don't woory!!! Take care and good luck!
   — Emily L.

August 21, 2002
Jennifer, I wonder that too. I just told my dr that i feel i can eat way too much sometimes. i'm 3 1/2 months post op and down 69 pounds...
   — candymom64

August 21, 2002
I will be 6 weeks post op on Thursday. I haven't had to "sip" liquids since about 2 weeks post-op. When I talked to my doctor, he said "good". According to him, liquids should pass through your pouch almost immediately. He explained to me that the pouch isn't really made to hold liquids, just solids. He also thinks that pouch stretching is overrated. Over time it may get a little bigger as the swelling goes down. But as we heal, it starts working better and emptying faster. That's why we can eat and drink more over time. I've never had that full feeling either. I just stop when I feel like I've eaten enough and get a satisfied feeling. When you start solid food, you will notice the difference. I mean, I freaked out when I could eat almost 1/2 cup of grits. But now I can barely get down a small chicken strip and a couple bites of veggies. Talk to your doctor at your next appointment, or call him/her. It will put your mind at ease! =)
   — Tanya B.

August 21, 2002
Thanks for the responses!!!! I feel much better!
   — jen41766

August 21, 2002
I can drink a lot without really sipping..I am almost 5 weeks post op and down 40lbs., at first I sipped, sipped, sipped, but found that I could drink more at once than that. I don't take big gulps of water, but I can drink a normal mouthful...I haven't really gotten that "full" feeling while eating as I never push it to that point...I judge by the amount of meat I have had to assure I have gotten in protein. Pretty much I feel satisfied before I ever get to the "full" point...I guess I am teaching myself that I don't need to feel stuffed or full to be satisfied. I have also found in the last 5 weeks that food has become rather boring and there really isn't that joy in eating like there was I took my daughter and her friends to Burger was the first time I had been in a restaurant since the surgery..I bought a grilled chicken rid of the bread and and ended up eating a quarter piece of chicken and was fine...I felt great b/c I didn't cheat I didn't feel deprived, I literally just gave my body some fuel and moved on!
   — Trish R.

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