What exactly is constipation?

I know that is a silly question. I never suffered from constipation, does it cause pain or is it infrequent bowel movements? I am having bowel movements about once every seven days..., but no pain. Could this be constipation or something else? When I am finally about to have it, I do begin feeling pain, but like now it has been five days and I feel fine and it does not feel like I need to go. My diet consists mainly of grilled chicken and protein supplements, sometimes a little carbs like rice and potato's.    — Gay S. (posted on June 9, 2002)

June 8, 2002
Since I was about sixteen, I only go once a week too. That was probally some of my weight problem too. Anywho, try to add more fiber to your diet. Perhaps some high fiber cereal. That will help some. If it helps (it should) and you still need to go more often you can always eat a couple bowls a day.
   — Danmark

June 8, 2002
Hi. I guess everyone is different but if I only had one bowel movement a week, I would feel so toxic. I normally have one a day, and if I go a few days w/o, I take a Senokot, which is a gentle, vegetable laxative. I know an elderly couple who take two every night before bed, and they're still kicking. I think that's a bit extreme. Another thing that helps me is upping the water intake AND exercise. Gotta keep the system least I do. Best wishes to you.
   — Annie H.

June 9, 2002
Constipation is the passing of hard, dry stool. It has nothing to do with frequency. Frequency is an individual thing...for some people, it may be normal to have a BM once a day....for others, it may be once every three days or so. Since my RNY 6 months ago, I suffer from chronic constipation. I will go days without a BM, followed by a sensation that I have to go, but can't. I get cramps and have to strain a lot, often feeling pain when I do pass a BM. I am now on a stool softener daily, and it has alleviated a lot of my problems. No amount of water intake or fiber seems to make a difference for me.
   — Cyndie K.

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