Ulcer where intestine joins new pouch

I had surgery 4-19-02 and have developed an ulcer in the jejeunum (?) (where the intestine is joined to the new pouch. My doctor now says that this type of ulcer isn't acid related and may be caused by poor circulation to the intestine. Does anyone know about this and what the treatments may be? This really scares me despite my doctors reassurances because my Mom died after she lost circulation to her small bowel.    — cathleent (posted on June 2, 2002)

June 2, 2002
Hi Cathleen: I had the same thing happen at 5 wks post op. My stoma was 95% closed off due to scar tissue and the jejeunum(? man that's hard to spell) was extremely red and starting to ulcerate. They stretched my stoma and put me on prevacid for the ulcer. WORKED LIKE MAGIC!!! 2 hours after surgery I was eating tuna and the prevacid kept me under control till the ulcers (yes several) healed. Have not had that problem since. I took the prevacid for about 6 months and then my dr stopped it. Doing great now...down #136 AND STILL GOING!!!!!
   — Joi G.

June 2, 2002
I had marginal ulcers on & off for the first few years. When active, they were treated with Prilosec (that worked better for me than other brands), BUT because we don't do well with timed release meds, I needed triple dose. I also keep carrafate on hand to use at night when I've had an active ulcer. I have not had one for 2 yrs now. I was more prone pre-op, so it fit.. My husband had ONE, a few weeks post-op and the 60 day course of Prilosec fixed his, too. He's had no others. You didn't say what the doc is doing for it?
   — vitalady

June 3, 2002
Re what my doctor is doing: Doctor had me on prevacid and carafate and I still am getting sick everytime I eat. Even liquids are beginning to bother me. I'm scheduled for another upper GI test on Wednesday AM.
   — cathleent

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