Past emotional issues coming back to haunt you?

Has anyone further out post op felt like they were suddenly having to deal with issues they "thought" had been resolved years ago? Not any of mine are food related, really, I lost my mother and my marriage fell apart about 6 years ago. Now, it's all coming gack, sometimes full force. I see a psych doc, so I know how to talk it through. But, still , it's hard to deal with, and it all feels like a fresh wound. I would love to hear your comments in this....Sometimes I feel like I am losing what little mind I have......Thanks in advance, Donna in AL ( am even mourning my ex, who has out me through H$$L!!) HEEELLLLPPPP!    — Donna S. C. (posted on April 26, 2002)

April 25, 2002
Yes! As I look in the mirror now and see the size girl I used to see in highschool, a 100 lbs less than I had gotten to. Memories have been flashing through me from that time. The whole outcased teenager thing has been haunting me even though I'm 32 yrs old now and happily married. I should probably see a therapised to help me get rid of old baggage. I sadly have every memory in my life catagorized by what size I was at that moment. I hope it's something I eventually can get away from. Sometimes I look in the mirror and feel so good, about how far I've come and other times I hear the far off chuckles of boys saying to each other "there's one for ya". from over a decade back. Probably not really what you are talking about, but I took this as my opportunity to say...yeah, some sh%t has come up. -Kim open RNY 7/17 -105
   — KimBo36

April 26, 2002
Donna, I, too, struggle with emotional issues from my past. Losing my husband at a young age, the relationship with my Mother, and being accepted by society. I think one of the things that many of us did in the past is that we used food to comfort ourselves. When we no longer are able to do that, we feel lost and search for other ways to comfort ourselves. This is where we have to be careful and not replace one destructive behavior with another. Any time you want to talk, feel free to email.
   — [Deactivated Member]

April 26, 2002
Donna, I was moved by your message. I decided to read your profile to give me a better idea of what has been going on in your life. You have had your share of miseries and hardships. I noticed several times you made reference to God and how he has blessed you. I believe that ONLY GOD can lead you to a place where you can find the peace you seek. I, like you, take antidepressants for a chemical imbalance. That is a medical problem that medication can help with. There are other mineral and vitamin deficienties that can cause mental disturbances. You need to be sure that you are not missing some important elements. If your labs are good, then seek your answer from the Word of God. Don't try to solve all your problems. You have someone that can and will do that for you. I applaud you for being so strong with your weight loss. You have accomplished what many only dream of. It sounds like you have a very loving family. Enjoy them for love is hard to find. As far as your ex is concerned, let it go. If you are still anguishing over it, you have not truly let it go. Pray for deliverance from him. I hope that you can find peace and contentment. Your body is now heathly-now for your mind. Proverbs 3:5-6 Gayla Kremer
   — Gayla K.

April 26, 2002
Donna, I was moved by your message. I decided to read your profile to give me a better idea of what has been going on in your life. You have had your share of miseries and hardships. I noticed several times you made reference to God and how he has blessed you. I believe that ONLY GOD can lead you to a place where you can find the peace you seek. I, like you, take antidepressants for a chemical imbalance. That is a medical problem that medication can help with. There are other mineral and vitamin deficienties that can cause mental disturbances. You need to be sure that you are not missing some important elements. If your labs are good, then seek your answer from the Word of God. Don't try to solve all your problems. You have someone that can and will do that for you. I applaud you for being so strong with your weight loss. You have accomplished what many only dream of. It sounds like you have a very loving family. Enjoy them for love is hard to find. As far as your ex is concerned, let it go. If you are still anguishing over it, you have not truly let it go. Pray for deliverance from him. I hope that you can find peace and contentment. Your body is now heathly-now for your mind. Proverbs 3:5-6 Gayla Kremer
   — Gayla K.

April 26, 2002
Hi Donna, although I haven't had surgery, I have been in a situation that reminded me of what you are talking about. My childhood was very agonizing and tumultuous, but I learned to deal with life and just survive each day. When I finally went away to college and didn't have all of that current stress, I basically had a nervous breakdown. What over? The childhood issues that I never dealt with (but issues I didn't even know I had!)... the fact that I felt sexually violated by my father who was a womanizer (he didn't molest me, but I was afraid he might have)... my ex-boyfriend who I had been with for 3 years and had not seen for another 3 (we parted under horrible circumstances). I honestly thought I was going crazy for a while because I couldn't sleep without having nightmares... so I'd wake up with only a couple of hours of sleep, completely delirious because I was exhausted. The nightmares were so bad that I was literally afraid to go back to sleep. I stopped going to class or even leaving the room. It was like for all of my life up to that point, I had been so focused on surviving and just dealing with the stress of the moment... and when I finally found myself in a more peaceful place, all of those unresolved issues came back, demanding that I deal with them once and for all. It was a very difficult situation, but in retrospect it was one of the best things has that happened to me because I worked through it and felt so much better. As for mourning the ex... I don't know if you're with anyone now, but I have found that when I am alone, sometimes I romanticize my past relationships and long for the happy days. I don't know if that's your situation though. I actually started morning my ex when I got my new boyfriend, because I ended a 3 year relationship with my ex by hanging up the phone and telling him never to call me again. It felt so unresolved. I started thinking about the good times we had, and even contacted him to say hello... but right off the bat, the things about him that drove us apart surfaced and I got a reality check (wasn't pleasant!). It certainly isn't unusual to mourn even the jerks, but keep in mind why you went your separate ways in the first place, and be good to yourself. I think good friends are the best remedy for loneliness anyway ;) Best of luck to you... it will get better :)
   — [Deactivated Member]

April 26, 2002
Hi Hope you don't mind my "dime" analysis but it sounds like post traumatic stress syndrome. It is what happened to vets in Vietnam and really can happen to anyone who doesn't "deal" with emotional issues or traumatic events in their lives when they happen. For instance, if someone has a bad car accident and rather than face the trauma, they drink (eat) to keep from dealing with it, then years later any type of stress can bring on the emotional turmoil again. When I was 22, I was in a bad boating accident and my brother in law drowned. I was young and didn't seek counseling or learn to deal then and for years, I couldn't deal with emotional stress very well. Now, through much prayer and meditation, I have faced the guilt and emotional feelings I faced because I didn't die and he did. I can now deal with it but there are still times when I cry. This was my twin sister's husband and I felt tremendous guilt because I was in the accident with him. Maybe you should talk to someone about dealing with emotions. I have deep religious faith and that pulled me through. Talking to my Savious, Jesus Christ was my "therapy". Good luck and thanks for a thought provoking question.
   — Marilyn C.

April 27, 2002
Original poster here: I came home this afternoon, and DH had packed all his things,but had gone to work for the hight. I don't know where to go from now. I just want all the fighting and tension over. Thank you, Donna(Crazy in AL)
   — Donna S. C.

April 27, 2002
Donna, I totally agree with one of the previous posters: The only way to get rid of the hurt is turn your life over to God. Read my profile. Physically, emotionally, psychologically and sexually abused. I've had 2 husbands, but have finally let God work on me. I gave Him permission to clean out all the "rooms in my house" and He is such a gentleman when He does. He always uses someone who loves and cares about you.Do I still think about what happened to me? Yes, but I don't dwell on it. I *must* look forward to what adventure God has for me next. Am I perfect? Nope, but I'm learning day-by-day how to trust Him and listen to Him...and let HIM handle the obstacles. All you need to do is ask Him. If you want more information or you want to "talk," please email me at [email protected]. I pray you feel His love instead of your pain.
   — Gail G.

April 27, 2002
Donna- this is for you- not inrespnse to the ?- Reread your journal- I read alot of postivie things in there about your DH- and now it seems he has "packed up"! After you read it, let hime read it- sometimes we get so bogged down in life's crisis' that we can't see what is right in front of us- Is this a marriage you really want to end? Or do you want to open communcation and improve THIS one?? Good Luck sweetie- :)
   — ~~Stacie~~

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