I have a serious question for the women... should I be concerned?

I am 2 months post-op. I got my period on January 11, and today is January 21 and I am bleeding. I don't know if it is another period or something else. Has anyone else experienced this? Should I be concerned? Please help. I can't decide if I should be scared or not.    — Janet C. (posted on January 22, 2002)

January 21, 2002
I don't know why, but our periods are not normal for a few months after surgery. I am four months out and am just now getting back to normal. I would bleed for 2-3 days, stop a couple of days, then start again for another 2-3 days, or, I would bleed a day or two longer than usual or heavier than usual. Just this past month did I have a normal period. I think it's something to do with the meds they give us to help prevent clotting. I also think it's very normal after a major surgery. I don't think you have anything to worry about, but if you are really concerned, call your surgeon or your ob/gyn. :)
   — DonnaCarol

January 21, 2002
Hi Janet. I recently had a two week period that was driving me insane. I call my gyno's office and talked with a nurse. She said that the hormones released when we loose weight will trigger periods and they aren't always normal (or what you are used to). For me, since I am on the Depo shot and never get periods, I thought it wasn't working and all sorts of crazy scenarios popped into my head. However, the nurse reassured me that it's just the hormones being released and there is nothing to fear. But, to make yourself feel better, I'd talk to my doc or a nurse, too.
   — Anna F.

January 21, 2002
For the past week and a couple of days I have been having a light period. I am on birth control pills and before surgery changed to a lower dosage pill, so I thought it was break-through bleeding or something. I haven't talked to my pcp, but now that I read this, maybe there is something to do with surgery. I'm not too happy that it is almost two weeks. I take the pill continuously to avoid the periods, but in this case, it decided it was coming like it or not.
   — laflagal

January 22, 2002
Hi, I was told that as we lose weight we are releasing mega amounts of estrogen and that are bodys have to adjust to the change, I am 3 months post op and I have had 5 periods, I have switched to a low BC pill and I hope I will be getting back on track, but I believe the problem is due to the weight loss, but I would of course see your GYN, they maybe able to adjust your estrogen levels.
   — Krista B.

January 22, 2002
Hi... I'm the original poster. From everything I've heard, it sounds like every female that has ever had this surgery went on the pill. Should I go on the pill too, or is it just coincidental that the only ones that have answered my question are ones that are on the pill?
   — Janet C.

January 22, 2002
Try metformin first. It is better than the pill because you don't have the side effects of the pill. I use it to regulate my periods and have for many years. They usually prescribe it for women with polycystic ovaries, but it might work for you too! :) Ask your doctor!! I wouldn't go on the pill again for anything!
   — Sharon H.

January 22, 2002
I actually have had an improvement in my menstrual cycle. I am three months out. The onset of my periods has been right on schedule. They have lasted four days and have not been excessively heavy or light. The only CHANGE has been a good one - for the first time in 30 years, I have had no cramps! I am just posting my response so that no one gets the wrong idea that all post-op women will need to go on the pill.
   — Julie S.

January 22, 2002
Okay here is another response to this question. You don't state your age but, I am 43, had the surgery at 40, and have never had a normal period since? Is it the surgery? Maybe. But, maybe surgery, precipitated menopause in my situation. At first, I was unlike everyone else and didn't get a period for the first 5 months...great huh? They started coming though, and then they lasted about 10 days each time. Now, I just got over having mine 2 times this month again and each time 10 days. Maybe the surgery just started the natural way of things, I don't know but it's a thought if you are anywhere in my age catagory. Good luck
   — Barbara H.

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