What's the normal stay in the hospital for open rny

my insurance has me going in on the 16 of january and discharged on the 18 of january. i was told by my dr that i would be in there aleast till the 19. is this normal for insurance to make you discharge before the dr wonts you to.    — [Anonymous] (posted on December 3, 2001)

December 3, 2001
I was under the impression that if the surgery is approved and the doctor feels you need to stay and extra day that they (ins co) will pay for it. I had VNA come and was only approved for a week but due to complications they came longer and my ins. company did end up paying. Good luck!
   — Karen Q.

December 3, 2001
First of all - good luck! And your having surgery on my birthday - so we'll both have something ti celebrate that day. I had open RNY and my Dr. said 2 days. I felt I needed an extra day and that was no problem. My husband, who had it a month after me, and was much bigger, was told 2 days also. But, it ended up that he had his gall bladde removed and a hernia repaired also and so was really having a difficult recovery and he stayed in the hospital 5 days. I think there's what's expected and then there's what's needed. I'm sure you'll get what's needed. Remember, you have the right - and, the obligation, really - to speak up for yourself and take good care of yourself. I hope the 2 days will be sufficient. If not, ask for what you need. The best to you for the surgery, the recovery, and the weght loss. Nancy
   — Nancy Z.

December 3, 2001
I am having open rny on a Monday and expect to be in the hospital until Friday. I was surprized that the stay would be that long, knowing how insurance companies like to move you out quickly. My surgeon said the last two days are really for rest and healing. I know I'll be anxious to get home to my children, but I won't rush it. I remember coming home a day early after my c-section because I felt ok, then regretting it because I had alot of pain and not the same type of opportunity to rest. I'll have help at home, but I know for the most part I'll have to be up and around while the kids are home and my husband is at work. I think coming home too soon would put me in danger of a repeat visit and that is something I want to avoid. Good luck to you!
   — [Anonymous]

December 3, 2001
Hi, I had my open rny on October 16th and went home Oct 17th. Thats right.....24 hours later. I was thrilled!!!!! I understand that this in not a "normal" hospital stay for this procedure, but I was feeling great!!! I walked as much as possible, and tried to do as much as I could for myself in the hospital. When my Dr came to see me the morning after my surgery, I was sitting up "indian style" on my bed (i had already made my bed LOL), and he just laughed. He said my stats were fine and I had 2 choices. Sleep in the hospital bed or sleep in my own bed that night. Of course I chose to go home. It has been smooth sailing ever since. I am now 7 weeks post and down 33 pounds. My starting BMI was 35. I weighed 228 and am 5'7". You will do great!!
   — skymaxjr

December 3, 2001
I had my open RNY and discharged in less than 48hrs. I was walking in recovery room and every hour afterwards plus using the blow bottles everytime I walked. I was eager to get home. I like my own bed, shower, toilet and I missed cuddling with my husband. Slept the best at home with my dogs at my feet and my husband at my side. I liked walking around my house and property much more than in the hospital. At the hospital I didn't like people stares as they tried to figure out what surgery I had while I was walking and I had to share a room. In the less than 48hrs I dealt with one roommates discharge the evening of surgery and in the middle of the night a new admission, all their friends and family and had to answer the phone for the roommate since she didn't feel like answering. I liked getting home, getting what I wanted to drink and eat on my schedule, not someone elses. I prefer not having someone use a portable toilet right next to my bed and I like quiet- hard to find in a hospital. If the surgeon thinks you need to stay longer, insurance will pay if there's a medical reason for you to stay.
   — Helen B.

December 3, 2001
I had my surgery on Nov. 8th and I was released on Nov. 11th. I am glad that my stay was a few days, the surgery is very invasive and I would NEVER had surgery if I was only going to be in overnight.
   — Antonia D.

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