Has anyone had a medical condition improve that was unexpected?

I post this because, we all say things like, we'd like our clothes to fit better, our stamina to improve, etc., but has anyone been truly suprised by an improvement in their health, social standing, etc--something they NEVER thought would improve? I'm happy to say that after years (I'm talking a couple decades) of living with an incontience problem, it has finally corrected itself after losing over a 150#! I never thought in a million years that I wouldn't have to deal with this on a daily basis. No more wearing protection, worrying about accidents and/or odors, no more improvising during delicate situations! I'm happy to say that this is something that I was able to scratch off my list of things I'd like to accomplish after WLS!    — [Anonymous] (posted on November 24, 2001)

November 23, 2001
When I had the surgery I knew my breathing, pressure, arthritis/bursitis and reflux would all improve. What I didn't know was that my period would become regular for the first time in my life. I only got it once or twice a year but since the surgery, 13 months ago, I have gotten it every month.
   — Helen C.

November 23, 2001
This is such a trivial thing that perhaps it is'nt worth posting but I've always loved peanuts and for the last 15-20 years they give me grief. I can eat them but then I get acid from it (tastes like I've thrown up). Since the RNY I can eat all the peanuts I want with no horrible acid from them. :) Also, I need to have my knees replaced (they are full of arthritus). Most of the pain is gone from them. I still will probally need surgery down the road but the 112 pounds (so far) weight loss has bought me alittle time.
   — Danmark

November 23, 2001
Oh the sleep aptheana and acid reflux is gone too. I know others say it goes away but I did'nt think it would.
   — Danmark

November 24, 2001
I am 16 days post-op. My husband says I haven't snored since I came home from the hospital.
   — Dianne K.

November 24, 2001
I have had these small cysts on my face for several years. I always thought I inherited them from my Grandfather, because he always had them and he wasn't overweight. But, today (just 19 days post-op and down 30 pounds)I noticed that the smaller ones have disappeared and the larger ones are much less noticeable and hopefully will disappear as well as I continue to loose weight. Needless to say, I am thrilled at this unexpected plus. Another thing that I did expect to happen, but not so soon, was for me to be able to see my ankle and feet slim way down. I have had very swollen ankles and feet for years and that is already all gone. I have dropped at least one shoe size already. It is so great to have all of these positive changes occurring and I look forward to every new day and all of the rest of the wonderful changes that will continue to happen.
   — Susan M.

November 24, 2001
What a great question- I love to think about these kinds of things:) Socially, I am now the president of a soccer club. I have also been asked to be the director of sports outreach of a children's ministry (Before I wouldn't have been considered because I couldn't play sports!). I am a referee (soccer) as well as player- what I didn't expect was to be a reasonably decent player:) The most amazing thing, to me, is I am not afraid anymore. I am not afraid of new social situations. I am not afraid of new physical challenges (I am thinking of trying to run in the Chicago marathon next year). Sometimes I get a little overwhelmed, but God has been very gracious to me and I am actually LIVING at 42 intstead of existing!
   — M B.

November 24, 2001
I had developed carpal tunnel and my arms would just ache. Losing weight has helped so much and I've noticed that my arms feel great and I rarely need to wear my braces!
   — PT LawMom

November 24, 2001
It's not really a medical condition, but I've had people tell me that my voice sounds different since I've lost weight. I suppose there is a change in how much fat surrounds my voice box, and all, but that was definitely unexpected. I've also stopped snoring, no more acid reflux, pain in my feet is gone, my ankles are almost slender, I can wear my rings again, my skin is clearing up. There are so many wonderful things!!
   — Claire P.

November 24, 2001
Speaking only for myself, I no longer suffer from sleep apnea, PCOS, depression, high cholesterol, diabetes, back pain, leg pain, hair growth (facial- due to the PCOS)and irregular periods. No more mood swings or severe depression. Is that enough? LOL- my medications these days are just my vitamins-compared to 300.00 per month for my prescriptions. Most all of the above conditions were gone about 2 1/2 months post op- I am now 10 months post op. I wish you the best!
   — Cindy K.

November 24, 2001
Off ALL prescription drugs. gone all diabetic and blood pressure meds, no acid reflux, sleep apnea probably gone since I quit snoring loudly, my feet no longer sweat heavily and all my joint pain is gone, although I did get some new back pain since surgery, its expected to leave eventually.
   — bob-haller

November 24, 2001
For the first time in 20 years, my period has return to normal. I can read my body and how my cycle carries out for the very first time. I can even predict the day it will start. I'm like Helen, I had maybe one or two per yr. It was convienent but not good for the reproductive system. I'm also sleeping better and not gasping for air in the middle of my rest. I can also walk farther and my back do not feel like it is about to break into. Also my breathing and asthma is better and my blood pressure is down and controlled with medication. I hope to get off the medication but you can't have it all so good all the time. Life is wonderful with 175 lbs gone.
   — Jan M.

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