I have been approved for wls for 3 months. Why can't I get a surgery date?

I am just about at my wits end. I have been approved for wls since July & I cannot get a date scheduled from the nurse who is the ONLY one who does the scheduling. I call & talk to her on a weekly basis & she tells me she will call me back in a day or two & never does. This is getting so frustrating. She told me it would probably have to be in January before it could be scheduled & I told her that would be fine. But then I called my insurance company & they told me that a new benefit year will start January 1st & the whole process will have to be redone. They even told me there's a possibility that my husband's employer won't cover the surgery in the next year if they change their benefits. That scared me to death. I then called the nurse & told her I HAD to know if this surgery could be performed by the end of the year. She promised me she would call me the next day (which would have been last Thursday) & I have not heard a word. I don't know what to do. Should I go see another surgeon or does it normally take months to finally get a surgery date after you have been approved?    — Lori M. (posted on October 7, 2001)

October 7, 2001
HOLY SMACKS LORI! I am having some of the same trouble with the lady who schedules for my doctor. I have resolved to really get aggressive in the morning (Mon 10/8). I think I will ask to see or speak with the doctor myself. I think sometimes the office staff are so bent on protecting the doctor, they never get anything done. It will cost your surgeon big $$$$ if you don't have surgery, the nurse doesn't realize this is still just a business. I would be more aggressive and call, fax show up in person. In the end you get hurt by no surgery, but so does the doctor. Good luck -- Lisa
   — Lisa B.

October 7, 2001
That is way too long to wait just for an appt to be set. My surgeon called with my approval and set the surgery date all in the same phone call. I was approved Oct 3rd and my surgery is scheduled for Oct 16th. I would look into another surgeon. Good luck!!
   — skymaxjr

October 7, 2001
I had my first consult with my surgeon one day, all my tests three days later, and had approval and my date set within seven days of that very first visit. Surgery one month later..... If I were you I'd go in person, tell the scheduling nurse exactly what you've told us, be firm and don't leave until you HEAR her on the phone setting it up....
   — Cathy J.

October 8, 2001
My surgeons office gets over a THOUSAND calls a day. When you need something taken care of visit the office in person. Standing there face to face you will get much better attention to whatever problem your having.
   — bob-haller

October 8, 2001
Boy oh boy Lori, you sure are being given the run around. Once my doctors office had the approval papers in hand, I was given a surgery date. And my surgeon is very busy also, but that doesn't mean his nurse couldn't give me a surgery date. (I was approved in July and my surgery isn't until January)I agree with the other posters here, go to that office and talk to this incompetant woman face to face or speak with the doctor directly. He might not even be aware that this kind of thing is happening. She obviously is unable to do her job the way she is supposed to.
   — Kim B.

October 8, 2001
If you don't get up first thing in the morning and go into that office and tell that nurse to schedule your surgery date I will come and beat you with a protein bar! (ok, maybe I won't but this is ridiculous). Call in to work late, get up and go to the office at 7am, wait until they're opened if they aren't, ask to speak to the nurse then tell her these words "Look, I have called you over and over again to be scheduled for a surgery date prior to January 1st. You have neglected to return my call. Now I am forced to take off of my job to speak to you personally to schedule a surgery date. I need a date prior to January 1st. Get out the calendar and pencil me in, I'll wait." You may have to bypass her and see the surgeon directly. If none of these appeal to you, send a personal and confidential letter to the surgeon -- short and sweet explaining your plight (and I mean 1 paragraph) tell him that you are ready to contact the State commission to file a complaint. You would appreciate a phone call upon receipt of the letter (send it certified mail). In the meantime, if you think that none of these things will get you anywhere, look for a different surgeon. Good luck and God bless!
   — Kimberly L.

October 8, 2001
I would say...FIND ANOTHER DOCTOR!! Sometimes they are the only one within a reasonable distnace, but if your insurance approved you, call them, tell them what is going on..see if there is anyone else, you can always transfer medical records, and past tests. I wish you luck.
   — Katrina M.

October 8, 2001
Ok Lori, I went thru the EXACT same thing with my first pick of a surgeon and I have to tell all the rest of you that have responded, that it's not always the nurses fault!! In fact, my original surgeon was also an on call trauma surgeon at the hospital where he performed the surgeries. He had to wait until the hospital came out with the O.R. schedule for each month before he could book a procedure. It was extremely frustrating and of course, the hospital could always change things!! I was told originally that he was doing 4 WL surgeries/week and with hospital booking problems, it was more like ONE/wk!! Needless to say, even though I was approved by my ins very quickly too, my probable surgery date kept getting pushed further and further back!! And YES, in the meantime, my insurance changed coverage and instead of a $1000 max out of pocket, it changed to $2000 and there was NOTHING I could do about that! So, I SWITCHED SURGEONS! With my approval letter in hand, I switched to another surgeon, doing the same procedure and was having my surgery barely 3 WEEKS later. . .when I was looking at another 3-4 MONTHS with my original Dr. I'm sure another surgeon would LOVE to fit you in with your pre-approval already done! SWITCH!!! =) (ps- lap DS 5/29/01, Dr Clark Warden, MS, down 80 lbs!!!!!!!!) Blessings,
   — ChristiMNB

October 9, 2001
Call them every day and ask for the surgeon to call you personally. Otherwise get his fax number and explain what you are up against in terms of losing theinsurance approval and not be able to obtain further insurance approval in the future. Be a pest! A persistent one. Maybe the nurse will schedule you just so that you don't keep calling. :) Good luck!
   — [Anonymous]

October 9, 2001
....speak directly to the surgeon. Explain that your benefits change in January and you must have your date by 12/31. You have to be pro-active and assert yourself or the doctor's office staff will push you around. My guess is the "nurse" who does the schedule is a secretary or clerk. You've wasted too much time....go right to the top.
   — [Anonymous]

May 19, 2002
   — sheri B.

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