My doctor says not to use CPAP after surgery-

He says it may cause problems with RNY gastric bypass where stomach is cut in 2 and sutured up. I have severe sleep apnea and had dangerously low oxygen levels during testing. DR says he will give me oxygen in hospital and at home and this will take care of it, but I wonder if I stop breathing, oxygen won't help if it can't get into my lungs. Any one experience the same situation?    — Dell H. (posted on August 15, 2001)

August 14, 2001
I'm sure your doctor would not tell you anything that would put him at risk for a lawsuit. Listen to your doctor and do what he says. I'm sure you are not the first patient he has treated with your same problems. Let him know of your concerns and then trust his judgement.
   — MARSHA D.

August 15, 2001
Hi Dell, Believe it or not I had severe sleep apnea the day I went into surgery. I did not use my CPAP in the hospital because they can give you positive oxygen which will enter with a stronger force than just oxygen. Are you ready for this. Since the day I got out of the hospital I have not snored or gasped or had any distress with my breathing. My husband says I sleep the most peacefull he has ever seen me. My husband packed up my machine a few weeks ago and put it in the closet. It is amazing, but a true story. Go with your Dr. I believe he knows what is best. If this had not happened to me I would have questioned the Dr. but I know how incredible it was for me. The best of luck and I will be praying for a speedy recovery. Take Care
   — Karen Renee

August 15, 2001
I had to bring my bi-pap to the hospital with me, and used it right when I got to my room after surgery. I had absolutely NO problems!
   — Jeanne P.

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