Anyone have their Bipolar disorder sabotage their WLS success?

I had my surgery 2/16/99. I went off my psych meds. -at first because my stomach couldn't tolerate them -- and my psychatrist felt I was doing well without them. My inital weight loss was fantastic, approx. 20lbs and more per month. After about seven months my bipolar disorder raised it's ugly head -- I had 2 hospitalizations in about 6 months and I've been on disability ever since. I had lost a total of 108 lbs but have gained 22lbs back. I've been out of control -- eating junk food for emotional comfort and I've been "ignoring" the dumping syndrome. I'm trying to get back on track. my meds are adjusted and my therapist has a eating disorder treatment background. I visited my surgeon's office a few days ago, went HEALTHY "protein" food shopping today & tomorrow I'm re-starting my weight loss. Phew! After that long winded explanation -- HAS ANYONE HAD A SIMILAR PROBLEM? IF SO, HAVE YOU RESTARTED AND BEEN SUCCESSFUL? HELP!! THANKS!!    — Edna H. (posted on July 9, 2001)

July 9, 2001
I have just recently been diagnosed bipolar. I am 7 months post-op with a weight loss of 75 to 80 pounds. I just saw a psychiatrist about 2 weeks ago to start on meds. So far I am still so depressed and am having a hard time controlling my eating. I haven't lost anymore weight in the last 6 weeks. I used to walk 5 days a week and now I can't seem to walk hardly at all. I don't have any answers for you other than I am struggling with it myself. Today I feel as though I should just give up and accept where I am. But deep inside I know I need to keep trying. It just seems so impossible right now. I wish you the very best in your efforts!
   — [Anonymous]

July 10, 2001
First of all it was not right for your psych dr. to tell you you are doing ok without your meds. This is what bipolar is...for a period of time you are either "fine" or even better than fine...and then all of a sudden your whole world is collapsing. He or she should have been able to recognize that your bipolar was not "fixed" but however you were in the stable end of the disorder. Bipolar is a chemical imbalance and not something that all of a sudden disappears. Treatment needs to continue indefinately. It is not like depression or other disorders. You need to continue taking your medications, even when you feel like you don't need them. If your stomache is having a problem tolerating them there are other medication options. My husband was on lithium and could not handle it. The dr put him on neurontin and this doesn't bother his stomach a bit..and actually it has been a MIRACLE pill for him. He is much more stable on this then the lithium. It sounds like you have the motivation to begin again on your weight loss journey and you have begun with the right things. Keep up the good work and you will make it : )
   — paula B.

July 10, 2001
Just to ease your guilt, something doctors will not tell you is psych meds are notorius for causing weight gain, so those of us taking them have to be that much more careful at watching ourselves post-op. Think about it- how many thin women do you see in a psychiatrists office? Good luck, it sounds like you have great motivation, try to take it a day at a time and not beat yourself up.
   — [Anonymous]

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