I am only 22 and have never had a Pelvic exam or breast exam!

I have always been to embarrased to have one because of one. Now i find out that my surgeon does a full body examination at my consultation I am so nervous what can i expect! Can someone explain what happens. Are you covered or are you just straight naked! Oh please. I mean i definately want the surgery so I will go through this but I just need to know exactly what to expect.    — [Anonymous] (posted on July 2, 2001)

July 2, 2001
Oh, dear.... you could've been me. I too was a super -self-conscious type.... until I got pregnant. With all the prenatal poking around, you get used to it. During the birth, anyone could've walked in... the cafeteria clerk, the janitor, etc... and I wouldn't have cared. In every pelvic exam I've had, there is a drape. However, the doctor will get a good look at your bottom. It should not hurt. If it does, ask him/her so, and they can use some more lubricant. You will get through it. You will not die of embarrassment. It may help to remember, that while your bottom hasn't seen the light of day, the doctor has seen HUNDREDS or THOUSANDS of bottoms, and after that many, there is nothing but good medicine and clinical detachment going on. It might help to bring a walkman. Good luck. You'll be fine.
   — Nancy G.

July 2, 2001
My surgeon did not do any kind of exam, just looked at my tummy, and checked to see condition of skin. I can't imagine a surgeon doing wls needing to do gyn (pelvic etc) stuff. If it is necessary, find out why. Then try to relax. Something we women need to do yearly. You may want to find a gynocologist you are comfortable and then have him/her give exam results to the surgeon doing the wls. If it is common practice for this surgeon, then remember..if he has seen one, he's seen them all, so to say. You can email me if you want to know personal details about women's pelvic/breast exam. We are here to help! I felt pretty uncomfortable about my first exam too.
   — lovebug2

July 2, 2001
I had my annual exam this morning. As I read your plea for help, I thought about my visit. The key is to relax. Let the doctor know that this is your first exam and to use the smallest instruments available. If something hurts, speak up, it should not hurt. Might be a little uncomfortable but not painful. You will have a gown on, open in the front with a half sheet as a drape to put over you. The hardest part for a first time visit is when you have to put your feet in the stirups and spread your knees apart. Yes, you feel very vulunerable but the previous post said it perfectly, you are not the first or the last bottom that doctor has seen, it is all clinical to them. Talk to the doctor during the exam to keep your mind occupied and think, thank God this will only get easier in the years to come.
   — smummert

July 2, 2001
First of all take a deep breath and know that you will be fine and you are doing a very good thing for your body. The doc I go to provides a paper top garment and a drape for the waist down part. You will be on a table and have your feet in stirrups. I always look at the ceiling and try not to think about what's going on. It doesn't take long at all. The doc will take a Pap smear probably that feels like a little pinch. He/she will also poke your abdomen a bit to see where your uterus is and your ovaries, etc. All docs of course use gloves and the nice ones heat the speculum a bit so you don't feel it at all. The breast exam will be one, two, three, sort of pressing around in circles on your breasts, very quickly. You will be so proud of yourself to get this done. And I hope you will continue to have your regular check-ups in that area as the years go by. You will be ok, don't be worried at all. Just wait until you reach the age for a mammogram! Hugs, Joy
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 28, 2001
As I'm 44 years old, have had two children, a hysterectomy, a couple of D&C's, endometriosis, ovarian cysts..etc..etc..I've had MANY pelvic exams. And I have to admit that, while the procedure is pretty 'old hat' to me anymore, I STILL feel a little weird when my feet are in the stirrups and I have to slide my backside down to the edge of the table (once I'm there, it's not so bad, though). Your doctor is a professional who has seen THOUSANDS of women in this position - and thinks no more about doing this than, say, making a ham sandwich or picking out his/her socks in the morning. Two things I'll recommend: One.. RELAX. I know this sounds tough, but the more relaxed you are, the quicker and easier the whole thing goes. Two.. keep your sense of humor about the whole thing. I try to find SOMETHING humorous about what's happening, and it puts EVERYBODY (mostly ME) at ease! For instance: make note of the fact that you didn't really think of being in this position when you put on those bright purple 'toe socks' you like this morning!..or (when you're as old as I am) maybe you'd like to give your hubby an unexpected present.. can they put in a couple of stitches while they're down there to 'tighten things up a bit...' LOL Good luck..
   — Diane E.

March 7, 2002
Bless your heart, I really understand your feelings. I was and in many ways still am a very modest person. I wanted to die rather than get a pelvic exam. Tell the nurse how uncomfortable you are with it and they will take extra care to be sensitive to your feelings. I have to admit pregnancy cured me of much of my modesty cause there were so many pelvic exams. At the end of my first pregnancy, I was at the point where the doc and nurse could have brought the wife, kids, and neighbors along. lol
   — Carmen K.

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