How can I get a letter of recommmandation from my surgeon if my surgeon says I need to contact my in

My PCP referred me to a Surgeon here in Kansas City named Dr. Thomas Helling. Dr. Helling is in my Network for my Insureance which is Principle Financial group PPO. I called Dr. Hellings office, and they told me I needed preapproval from my insurance first. So my question is, How can I get a letter of recommmandation from my surgeon if my surgeon says I need to contact my insurance copmapny to get approval first? This makes absolutely no sense to me.    — sbinkerd1 (posted on July 2, 2001)

July 2, 2001
Hi Scott.. see if your PCP will write a letter that you can submit to your insurance company. I have a wonderful letter from my PCP and my NP (nurse practitioner) the chronicles my medical history and spells out in no uncertain terms their belief that WLS is the right course of action for me. If your PCP referred you to the surgeon I'm sure hoping he/she will be willing to put that referral in writing as a letter of support to your insurance company. Best of luck to you Scott.. ~Peace!
   — Joscelin

July 2, 2001
You may want to call his office again and ask more specifically if they want pre approval for the consult -- not the surgery. HTH, Kirstin
   — lilmskitty

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