I have surgery tomorrow, I am scared. Any suggestions?

I am terrified. I thought I would be happier but I have this fear that I may die. Can someone tell me what they did to calm yourself. HELP! Karon Mann    — Karon M. (posted on June 19, 2001)

June 19, 2001
Prayer! I truly believe that God lead me to this surgery as well as this site. I will not lie and say that I was never nervous but everytime I got scared the Lord just took it away. (I kept him busy, ha ha). But I was calm and secure as they rolled me down the hall. You will be fine. It will all be over soon and I will be praying for you and a safe recovery. Hang in there.
   — Sue B.

June 19, 2001
Karen, I am also a pre-op. Any kind of surgery is dangerous, but so is everthing we choose to do in life. Anything worthwhile has risks. But this surgery is performed 100's of times very successfully, truly the problems are the exceptions not the rules. BUT, having said that I will say that there is NO way I would go into surgery without THE LORD JESUS by my side. HE has told us that GOD has not given us a spirit of fear, so if you are afraid, we know who is giving it to you. simpy renounce it and accept the love and peace THE LORD has for you. I will be praying for you and trust that all will go well. The way I look at it, I don't believe HE would take us this far and not be with us all the way. You may e-mail me if you like/ my e-mail is: [email protected]. Please let me know how your surgery goes. Thinking and praying for you/ patti meadows
   — peppermintp

June 19, 2001
Karon, Things will be wonderful for you , I am sure. I was so nervous, I cleaned my house from top to bottom, reorginized my closets and my dressers. Good luck to you.
   — Tracy C.

June 19, 2001
Karon - keep this in mind. Whenever anyone goes in for any other kind of surgery - which has the same risks as this one - the doctor do not try to scare them like they do with this surgery. Maybe because they feel it's elective, maybe because they feel they want to weed out those who can't handle it. Whatever the reason, you will encounter the same surgical risks as someone going in for a hysterectomy, c-section, etc. There are one or two more additional complications - but surgical risk is the same. I went through this and as part of my counseling my doctor asked me, "Have you done everything in YOUR power to ensure things come out ok?" I said yes I felt I had. I felt I had picked the best doctor, the best hospital, the best procedure for me. My doctor asked me to be walking 2 miles a day before surgery, I've started that (surgery in Aug). Now that I know I've done everything I possibly can to ensure a good outcome, I just try to keep my thoughts positive. Positive thinking can make a difference. Keep your attitude in check and I think everything will be great.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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