How mobile do I need to be in the hospital?

I am scheduled for my surgery on 6/26 - two weeks from today! My problem is that I just had knee surgery 6/1 and I am still on crutches but expect to be mobile using a cane by then. Will that be a problem? Can I walk the halls with a cane and the IV equipment? I won't be able to walk for excercise for quite awhile I expect. Will I be OK? Janice    — blank first name B. (posted on June 14, 2001)

June 14, 2001
The first few times I walked after surgery, I used a walker. It had a "seat" where you could sit down if you felt the need. I'm sure the hospital runs into the situation all the time and should be equipped to deal with it. Talk to your surgeon about this. He should be able to make a note in your chart so the hospital is ready to accomadate you.
   — Gina E.

June 15, 2001
Hi Jan, Have your surgeon do a physical therapy consult while you are in the hospital. When I was in, my doc did this for me even though I did not have orthopedic problems. Usually, two people from the PT dept will come to work with you and it gives a feeling of safety.
   — Jan M.

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