Need some people who have

I have been researching this surgery for almost 2 years, but have just recently discovered this web site. Even though my family are being very supportive, I really would like to have some email pals who have been there and who I could write to via email on a constant basis to answer questions and help me through this. I have a surgery date scheduled for AUG 1, waiting on transfer of insurance companies to submit for approval....please email me at [email protected] if you would like to help me with this! thank you so much! =)    — Sheryl N. (posted on May 10, 2001)

May 10, 2001
I am 10 weeks post op open rny. I would be glad to answer any questions I can. email me at [email protected]
   — Kathy831

May 10, 2001
Sheryl, I believe you'll get an automatic email answer. You can write me with questions anytime. I'm 13 months postop open RNY gastric bypass.
   — Cindy H.

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