I am scheduled to have a hernia repaired and a Tummy Tuck on Monday 3/5/01.

I just realized that I should have stopped taking my vioxx a week prior to surgery. Has anyone been on Vioxx prior to surgery and how far in advance did your doctor have you stop. Anyone out there that took it right up to surgery date. I have been off of the vioxx for 3 days prior and I hope that I will be able to have the surgery Monday and not have to reschedule. Any hope that I will be able to.    — ann A. (posted on March 3, 2001)

March 3, 2001
Ann - I am praying that all goes well and that you won't have to postpone your surgery. I am having a hernia repair and a tummy tuck in the summer. Will you please share your experience with me? Thanks alot.
   — DeeDubbs

March 3, 2001
I'll be a year postop on 3-27-01 and see my dr about a hernia repair on 3-29-01. That same day I also see a cosmetic surgeon about a tummy tuck and thigh lift...I'm ssssooooo excited. I imagine the surgeries will happen in May...I can't wait. Please keep us posted on yours...and good luck!!
   — Lucky B.

March 4, 2001
Dear Ann- I was able to take vioxx right up to the day before surgery. The nurse told me that vioxx was one of the new anti-inflammatory drugs marketed to them as being able to take it right up to surgery. Good luck with your surgery.
   — Terri S.

March 15, 2001
Ann, I noticed you didn't have an email address, so I couldn't email you privately. I'd like to hear the details of your hernia repair with tummy tuck, as I am in the approval process now. Hope you are doing well!
   — [Deactivated Member]

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