I was diagnosed with a Panic disorder a while back......

Okay, about 6 1/2 years ago, I started having what I now know are panic attacks. The doctor diagnosed me with clinical depression and I started seeing someone once a week. I was not put on medication because I was pregnant at the time. After I had my baby, I stopped seeing the therapist and everything went fine. About two yr later, the panic attacks started happening again (still diagnosed as clinical depression)and I was put on zoloft and started again see a therapist once a week. A few months later I took myself off of medication and stopped going to therapy. Things were fine for a while and then I was finally diagnosed with panic disorder 2 years ago after the panic attacks started coming back. I took the medication for a few months, and have been off since. Do I need to tell my surgeon about this? I get panic attacks so infrequently, maybe once every 3 months or so, and they are not severe. I breathe through them until I feel better. How will this effect my being able to have WLS? I didn't tell my surgeon any of this during my first consult because I feel that I have it under control and I do not feel I need medication or more therapy. Any suggestions??    — [Anonymous] (posted on August 18, 2000)

August 18, 2000
I have panic disorder and take Paxil for it. I had my open RNY last July. Yes, I would tell your Dr. about your history of panic attacks, definitely. He or she will understand, as this is not uncommon. It is important that you are open with your doc about these things, as the surgery and anesthesia can induce panic attacks and you want your surgeon to understand that this is already in your history. By the way, I did great and would have the whole thing done again in a heartbeat!
   — Peggy G.

August 18, 2000
You should tell your surgeon everything related to your medical history. Don't hold back information; it can only hurt you to keep those secrets. I have lots of problems with anxiety and discussed with my surgeon that I anticipated needing medication for anxiety during my hospital stay, and especially on the morning of my surgery. Normally, you aren't allowed to take anything by mouth before the surgery, but we discussed it and I was cleared to take a Xanax before the surgery and I know that it made me much more comfortable. Don't keep something from your surgeon because you think it might lessen your chances of getting the surgery. If you find yourself thinking about not telling something to your doctor, that is a sure sign that it IS something you should tell your doctor.
   — BethVBG

August 18, 2000 name is Terri. I also have suffered from Panic Disorder (with agoraphobia) and it is awful. I have not had an anxiety / panic attack in years, but...I went ahead and told my doctor, gave him the full medical history (just in case!). In my opinion, you should advise your doctor to your present state of health and how you have handled this disorder in the past, it will probably be better for him to know. That way, if you have a period of time where you are kinda anxious, he will be more understanding. Hope I helped some...God bless!
   — Terri G.

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