
is there a website where we can use the FMLA form that everyone is talking about that your doctor needs to fill out for your job? I know that I can get it from HR, but I am trying to only give as much notice as is absolutely necessary. I don't want them to question me about my surgery when I ask for the form?? Is there a website where I can download and print the form from my home PC?    — enjo4 (posted on August 14, 2000)

August 14, 2000
Erin, the request form is specific to each employer, so you'll have to get it directly from your HR dept. You are only required to give 30 days notice if it is "forseeable" or as soon as possible if it is not "forseeable". I knew my surgery date of April 2000 in December 1999, but didn't turn my paperwork in until 30 days prior. Some lucky patients get a surgery date within a couple of weeks of approval. Here is a link to the Department of Labor for a full text version of the Act. Good luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

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