I am 4 1/2 months Post Op. I had a Roux en Y Distal

I am still experiencing tenderness and a burning sensation on my left side around my stomach area. Is this normal? I have had surgery before and never had pain last like this. I beginning to wonder if I could have an ulcer. Could my pouch still be healing and causing this discomfort?    — ann A. (posted on August 13, 2000)

August 13, 2000
Ann Ann: I had my open rny on 4/4/00 and have been pain free for a long time. This definitely does not sound normal. Yes, it is possible that you have an ulcer. They say that about 30% will get a stomach ulcer after RNY surgery without a vagotomy being performed. My surgeon does vagotomies on all his patients, he says this reduces the risk of an ulcer down to only a 1% chance. Also, it is possible you have an incisional hernia. Please see your surgeon soon and get this checked out. I'd be very interested in knowing what you find out. Best wishes.
   — Cindy H.

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