Help with the waiting

Only 9 days left!!!! Okay, here's the question. Up until now everthing was fine. I've done all the researc h. visted every website that i could find that had anything to do with the subject of RNY. I've gone over and over the pro's and con's. I've weighed all the issues every angle. And this is the right thing for me to do... I want to be healthy and productive... I want to run,jump, and play with my kids and husband. I want to LIve...Now all the sudden this feeling of dread, dought and dispair comes creeping in from i don't know where... in church today, when i knelt to pray for my sick nieghbor all i could think of was is it my time... Iam ready, just not willing at this time. This lump, knot or what ever in my throut. just seems to get larger each day.. I'm being to feel it... this coming... I'm having emotions that i can only liken to the change.. I ask, all you pos-ops - IS THIS NORMAL!!!???? and will i be like this until i'm knocked out?... I openly welcome any and all comments or suggestions. Thank you ... Alma (a.k.a nervous nelly)    — Alma H. (posted on July 8, 2000)

July 8, 2000
This is very normal. Relax and let the parteeeeeeeeeee begin
   — snicklefritz

July 8, 2000
Yes Alma this is perfectly normal. It is a big step, I felt abnormal because up until the actual day of surgery I wasn't feeling that way. The best advice I can give is talk your feelings through , with your husband , family if they know, and in the chat room. There are always lots of helpful prople there who have also been through the same feelings.You are not alone, we are here.
   — Heather T.

July 8, 2000
Hopefully what your feeling is normal...because my surgery is 9 days away also and I am feeling pretty much the same as you. One minute I'm excited, the next I'm scared...and oh yes....the that to...a little tightness in the chest to go along with it. Once we're on "the other side" I'm sure this will be all worth it. Good luck...and I'll keep you in my prayers.
   — Marcella S.

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