Get used to things I don't like prior to surgery?

Now that I have a date (October 31st) it is real to me that I am having this procedure. I have a part time weekend job that allows me to read the boards (as long as the phones are answered) and write down questions and recommendations. I have already let go of the Cokes and working on the sweet tea. Wednesday, I will start my post-op diet. I know from reading the postings that your tastes often change dramaticaly post-op. I am afraid that if I start drinking the protein shakes / instant breakfast, etc. that I already don't like and get used to them (tolerate them) that post-op I will HATE. Is it better to not taste, try, get used to things before surgery? During my Curves weight loss try I gagged down the protein shakes daily and honestly was not fond of them at all. I've never liked milk, cottage cheese, and anything dairy related. (two/three bites of icecream is enough for me)so I am praying that I suddenly like dairy post-op and will love the protein shakes. I am going into this with a positive attitude and am saying positive affirmations to myself (I CAN tolerate this milk, cheese, etc.) but would welcome feedback from those that have experience in this area.    — Rachelle D. A. (posted on August 27, 2005)

August 27, 2005
I never did shakes or other protein drinks. They taste like....####! I ate alot of deli meats and cheese. Find whatever foods YOU like that are high in protein! But whatever you do, I would'nt eat THOSE foods to much now. You don't want to be tired of them when you need them. Also it is good you are making positive changes now. But do remember you will never be able to eat the same way again. DO enjoy food now, while you can. Don't pig out, but eat slow (will help you later) and savor the taste of your food. Walk, quit smoking (if you smoke), and whatever healthy changes you can make now will help you later. But relax and don't worry. Enjoy you time as a pre op. Post op life will come soon enough. Don't borrow tomarrows possible troubles today. Good luck to you.
   — Danmark

August 27, 2005
I also never did the protein shakes. I have to agree with you on the taste. I do like the CIB, but I also love milk so that may be the difference. Now, have you tried the fruit flavored protein shakes? I don't like them cause they are way too sweet for me, but there are those that really like them. If they weren't so sweet, they might be ok. There are also many places that will send you samples of their protein drinks, you might try having some of those samples on hand for post op. I do agree with the other answer in finding high protein foods you do like and using them. Chili is good and so is beef jerky. Your tastes will change after surgery so don't go overboard getting things for post op or trying to get use to something. You WILL be able to eat foods post op, so don't fall into the "last meal syndrome" and try to get all your favorites in now. If you like sweet tea, try using stevia as a sweetener instead of anything else. I use stevia all the time (it is an all natural sweetener...made from the leaves of an herb) Anyway, good luck! Carmen
   — kccjer

August 28, 2005
If you don't like milk, try the Soy milk or Whey milk (?). Personally, I don't like either one, but they are less in sugar, and higher in Protein. Soy and Whey milk are lactose free "milk" substitute, meanig they're not made out of dairy milk or anything. give those a try. Also, being 3 months, going on 4 months, post-op, try and stay away from like cheeses and stuff. You'll find that constipation will prove a troublesome enemy after the surgery. I'm having to take benefiber because I like cheese so much. ~Chip~
   — Chip S.

August 28, 2005
Eat what you like now, bevcause your tastes may very well change post-op. I was pretty happy that I would be high-protien for the resst of my life, because I always loved meat and other proteins. NOw, eight months post-op, I cannot stand the taste of steak! I like hamberger, though. As for protein, you will have to try different kinds. The only one I can choke down is Dutch chocolate Low Carb Isopure. I cannot do any other flavor, nor the no carb version! I use Hood Carb Countdown, instead of milk, because it is much higher in protein and has less sugar. It is found in the dairy section near the milk. Also for dairy, can you do low-carb yogurt?
   — Novashannon

August 28, 2005
Hi Rachelle. Congratulations on your surgery!!! You will love being on the losing side : ) I read a lot on the Q and A's prior to my surgery to gather advice from other people on the 'losing side' also. My experience prior to surgery, was I did NOT give up diet soda prior to surgery. I did not give up any foods prior to surgery, except carbs the last few days prior to surgery per surgeon's orders. I did not chew, chew, chew like I do now since WLS. I ate like I always did. I did drink a few protein shakes (Carb Option shakes) prior to surgery but not because I wanted to get used to them. I drank them because I had to do the atkins diet and I drank them instead of eating. I made my mind up that I was going to wait until after my WLS to drink the protein shakes, to eat the 'soft' foods and blended foods until after my surgery. I am happy that I did wait. Everything has worked out fine. There is a time and place for everything. The diet phases after WLS are meant for after WLS. That's how I thought of it. Personally, my 'taste' didn't change since surgery that much. One thing that happened was I was lactose intolerant (I would get stomach cramps and could clear a ROOM in milliseconds from the gas!) prior to WLS and now I am NOT! I think that is cool. I used to have to have two ultra Lactaid tablets prior to any milk product- now I don't!!! I did blend up a couple shakes prior to surgery to make sure I knew how to make them. I don't think I ever will LIKE protein shakes but I tolerated it. After WLS, I couldn't even smell the mix without my new tiny pouch bunch up like I was going to throw up. My hubby brought those mixes back (at GNC with your receipt they will give your money back) and bought a different one. I didn't like that one either! So I basically have decided that I won't like protein shakes but I need them to get my protein levels up, so I drink them. Some people on this site LOVE shakes from I just haven't had the money to order some samples from that site. You might want to take a look at the website and see what you think. Did you mean you are starting your PRE OP diet on Wednesday? Is your doctor asking you to do liquids or no carbs (atkins diet)prior to surgery? In your posting you wrote you are starting your POST OP diet. I am thinking that you meant PRE OP but if not I did not want to do any post op diet until I was post op!!! The post op diet isn't much fun but you do it post op because you HAVE TO! : ) Keep your positive attitude and all will be great! See you on the 'losing side' : ) God bless.
   — jstatkus

August 28, 2005
I never cared for tofu before surgury but after it was one of my favorites mixed with soups or as a chinese dish such as Mo Po Bean curd without the rice. I did loose interest in some of my favorite foods as well. If you have trouble with milk whey protein I found the unflavored soy protein was tastless mixed with just about anything. If you like cream in coffee or capachino putting a scoop of vanilla flavored whey protein (premoistened to a thin paste to avoid clumping) in decaf coffee is very good. I think you have to ask youself what are your favorite foods? Are they high fat? Sugar? Carbs? Salt? These will most likely make you sick post-op and after a couple of dumping episodes you will lose interest in them. You may find you apreciate any food that is easy on your new pouch and adapt. Personally I miss a good martini now but I can deal with it. Good Luck and best wishes. Rich
   — Richard S.

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