We live over 3 hours away from my surgeon.

We do not have a reliable mode of transportation so I was thinking of taking the bus up there for the surgery. Problem is if I am in the hospital for 3 days and I have to go back in 4 days to have the staples removed, would it be easier to take another bus home and then return or stay in a near-by hotel for the 4 days (I live on disability). Anyone have that problem? Barb    — Barb (posted on August 24, 2005)

August 23, 2005
Trust me, you do not want to take the bus home 3 days after surgery and then go back and forth again in 4 more days. I understand finances may be an issue, but it would be pretty hard on you. Usually buses stop at every 2-bit town (no disrespect meant to anyone who lives in a tiny town), so the trip takes 5 hours instead of 3. <p>Isn't there someone from the neighborhood, family, church etc. that can take you? If not, then find a cheap motel and stay there. Contact the hospital (patient services or the surgeon's office) and let them know the situation. They may have some contacts with people who offer cheap lodging etc.
   — zoedogcbr

August 24, 2005
I agree, you won't want to take a bus home. Barb, do everything you can to find someone to help with transportation. I lived 4 hours from my surgeon and was miserable on the way home..and I was in my car. I couldn't imagine riding in a bus. The ride back a week later to remove staples wasn't as bad, but I still wouldn't have gone by bus. Good luck to you.
   — RebeccaP

August 24, 2005
Not only what the others have said to you but you will need to get out of your vehicle every 1/2 hour on the ride home and walk for a short time. This is to insure that you do not develope a blood clot. You are not going to be able to have the bus driver stop to let you out nor should you risk just walking or standing in the bus aisle.
   — ChristineB

August 24, 2005
Barbara, how about renting a car? Your husband can rent the car, drive you to the hospital, drive back and return the car, then repeat to pick you up, then repeat again to take you to have staples removed. You also might post this on the Illinois board here. Someone might be able to help out with driving you. Best of luck. Kasey 365/220/195
   — Kasey

August 24, 2005
I have to agree that taking the bus home after surgery will be difficult. Although, I know several who took the train (one by herself for the first time, with her luggage) here in Germany. It can be done if it's your only choice. Take the bus there and then see if you can't find another way home after the surgery. As far as the staple removal . . . can you not have it done at your local PCP? I know a LOT of people who do it that way rather than make a long trip back to the surgeon's office. Unless there is another reason they want you back, I would seriously look into having the staples removed at your local level. This also saves you another long trip post op which will definitely make things easier on you. Carmen
   — kccjer

August 25, 2005
If you have medicare you might check and see if you can't get free tranportation through them. I live in MO and am on medicare and here we have a service that you can call and either get gas reimbursment or ask for someone to drive you. You can probably check into it at or call your local social security office to see if they might know. Hope this helps. If I lived near you I would give you a ride. Good luck with your surgery. Lisa
   — Lisa E.

August 25, 2005
I agree that it would be way too hard to tack a bus hoe after surgery. I was in for four days, and with our 3 hour ride home in our own vehicle it was tough enough. I would try everything possible not to take a bys home Landa
   — landal

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